Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, February 15, 2016

History of 'Washington's Birthday' and 'President's Day'- George Washington, the First President for Hell on Earth?

Notice that President's Day was originally known as 'Washington's Birthday', much like "Veteran's Day' was originally known as 'Armistice Day'.

Washington's = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5+1 = 50/68 (America = 50)
Birthday = 2+9+9+2+8+4+1+7 = 42 (February, Freemason, War)
Washington's Birthday = 92/110 (President = 110)

It should be noted that on the Julian Calendar, the Calendar of George Washington's time, he was born on February 12, the 42nd day of the year.  Washington State is the 42nd State in order of statehood, named after George Washington.

Green = 7+18+5+5+14 = 49
Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58

'Green' in Jewish Gematria also reminds of 'Washington D.C.', on the 'American Meridian'.

Keep in mind that '137' is the '33rd prime number' and George Washington was a '33'rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason.

The 33rd State borders the 42nd State.  The 33rd State is also bordered by the 31st state.  The ranging degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are 31-33, summing to 96.

Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

Moving on.

Washington's = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14+19 = 149
Birthday = 2+9+18+20+8+4+1+25 = 87
Washington's Birthday = 236

President's = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2+1 = 48/66
Day = 4+1+7 = 12
President's Day = 60/78

President's = 16+18+5+19+9+4+5+14+20+19 = 129
Day = 4+1+25 = 30
President's Day = 159

The holiday being celebrated on the 'third Monday' of each February is very interesting in light of gematria.
George = 57; Fifty-Seven = 131

The '59' numerology also connects to the date he became President.

4/30/1789 = 4+30+17+89 = 140
4/30/1789 = 4+30+(1+7+8+9) = 59
4/30/1789 = 4+3+0+1+7+8+9 = 32 (America) (7/4/1776)
4/30/89 = 4+30+89 = 123 (Conspiracy)

George Washington was a 33rd Degree Freemason in 'Scottish' Rite Freemasonry.

George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39 (First of 39 signers on the Declaration of Independence)
Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58 (Freemasonry = 58)
George Washington = 88/97

George = 7+5+15+18+7+5 = 57 (Fifty-Seven = 131)
Washington = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 130
George Washington = 187

The date the Declaration of Independence was signed, was a date with '130' numerology.

Speaking of 'Declaration of Independence', it has a Freemason connection through the Francis Bacon form of gematria.

Freemason = 32+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 122

His birthday is also fitting for a 'President'.

2/22/1732 = 2+22+17+32 = 73
2/22/1732 = 2+22+(1+7+3+2) = 37
2/22/1732 = 2+2+2+1+7+3+2 = 19
2/22/32 = 2+22+32 = 56 (President = 47/56/110)

The date has a lot to do with 'Hell', and I truly think the Freemasons have unleashed 'Hell on Earth', with the United States of America being instrumental in their plan.

Keep in mind that February 22 is the 53rd day of the year.  Now notice the gematria of 'Hell'.

In pythagorean gematria, Hell equates to '19', also connecting to his birthday numerology.

Hell = 8+5+3+3 = 19

Let us also document what is curious about his date of death.

12/14/1799 = 12+14+17+99 = 142 (Forty-Two = 142)
12/14/1799 = 12+14+(1+7+9+9) = 52
12/14/1799 = 1+2+1+4+1+7+9+9 = 34 (Murder)
12/14/99 = 12+14+99 = 125 (Federal Holiday = 125)
12/14 = 12+14 = 26 (God)

The '52' reminds of the year the Julian Calendar was converted to the Gregorian Calendar in the United States.  The change is credited to the Pope of the Catholic Church.

Pope = 16+15+16+5 = 52
1752 calendar conversion, emphasis on '52

The holiday is also referred to as 'Washington's and Lincoln's Birthday', which ties in with Washington D.C, the American Meridian and the Federal Government.

Keep in mind that 137 is the 33rd prime number, and Washington D.C. is located on the American Meridian, the 77th Meridian.

Notice the date of the celebration shift, January 1, 1971.

1/1/1971 = 1+1+19+71 = 92 (Washington's Birthday = 92/110)
1/1/971 = 1+1+1+9+7+1 = 20
1/1/71 = 1+1+71 = 73 (Connecting to his birthday numerology, shown above)

Notice the man who made the holiday a 'Federal Holiday', Senator Steven Wallace Dorsey.

Steven = 1+2+5+4+5+5 = 22/31
Wallace = 5+1+3+3+1+3+5 = 21
Dorsey = 4+6+9+1+5+7 = 32/41
Steven Wallace Dorsey = 75/84/93 (United States of America = 84/93/102)

Steven = 19+20+5+22+5+14 = 85
Wallace = 23+1+12+12+1+3+5 = 67
Dorsey = 4+15+18+19+5+25 = 86
Steven Wallace Dorsey = 228 (United States of America = 228)

Notice the purpose of the holidays, as planned by our government, takes into account the impacts on consumerism and the economy above all.  I recognized long ago this nation was a machine, and we the people were but parts of the machine, being used in a grand experiment.

Never forget, Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on the 43rd day of the year, and he is known as the Civl War President, much like George Washington is known as the Revolutionary War Hero President.

Civil War = 3+9+4+9+3+5+1+9 = 43
Charleston = 3+8+1+9+3+5+1+2+6+5 = 43/52 (Where Civil War Began)
Abraham Lincoln, born on the 43rd day of the year

Revolutionary War also connects to 'United States of America'.

Revolutionary = 9+5+4+6+3+3+2+9+6+5+1+9+7 = 69/87
War = 5+1+9 = 15
Revolutionary War = 84/102 (United States of America = 84/93/102)

Notice the September 3 end date of the Revolutionary War, establishing the United States of America.

United States of America = 84/93/102/228

4/19/1775 = 4+19+17+75 = 115 (Freemasons) (Killing)
4/19/1775 = 4+19+(1+7+7+5) = 43 (Civil War) (U.S.A. not a sovereign nation)
4/19/1775 = 4+1+9+1+7+7+5 = 34
4/19/75 = 4+19+75 = 98

9/3/1783 = 9+3+17+83 = 112
9/3/1783 = 9+3+1+7+8+3 = 31
9/3/1783 = 9+3+83 = 95

The next major war, the Civil War, would begin on a date with '95' numerology.  It would begin a little more than 77-years later, on a date with '77' numerology.  Keep in mind the American Meridian is the 77th Meridian, and it was 'Jewish' financiers for both wars.

Judaism = 10+21+4+1+9+19+13 = 77

4/12/1861 = 4+12+18+61 = 95 (Over on 5/9 or 9/5) (Baltimore = 95, first Civil War death)
4/12/1861 = 4+12+(1+8+6+1) = 32 (America)
4/12/1861 = 4+1+2+1+8+6+1 = 23
4/12/61 = 4+12+61 = 77

5/9/1865 = 5+9+18+65 = 97
5/9/1865 = 5+9+1+8+6+5 = 34
5/9/65 = 5+9+65 = 79

It is interesting that these changes took place in 1968, 33-years before 2001, the same year WTC construction began, 9-1-1 was made the national emergency dialing code, the same year George W. Bush graduated from Yale and Skull and Bones, the same year Space Odyssey 2001 came out and more, including the assassinations of MLK Jr. and RFK.  1968, in history, appears to be the "takeover" year if you will, or possibly more appropriately, the "on to the next phase" year.

Again, it is a nation of consumers, and not much more.  I couldn't believe the crowd at the mall yesterday, and yes, admittedly, I often get sucked into the consumerism by my girlfriend.  To give the Bible a nod, why do you think the opening story is about man and woman, and a woman's rightful place being behind the man?

The achievements of Presidents?  What would those be?  Constantly lying and deceiving the public they govern over?  If only sheeple didn't like being consumer-slaves and lied to by their "elected" officials.

Notice that George Washington is credited with the 'Purple Heart'.

Purple = 16+21+18+16+12+5 = 88 (George Washington = 88)
Heart = 8+5+1+18+20 = 52
Purple Heart = 140 (Became President on date with 140 numerology)

Purple = 7+3+9+7+3+5 = 34
Heart = 8+5+1+9+2 = 25
Purple Heart = 59 (Became President on date with 59 numerology as well)

Is it teaching, or socializing and propagandizing?

Article source:

Related post, 333-Foot Tall Washington Masonic Memorial:

And since we're talking about holidays in the United States of America, the land of the 7/4 birthday, let's not forget the masonic code on the word 'holiday' itself.

Holiday = 8+15+12+9+4+1+25 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

Recall that Lincoln declared November 26, 1863 to be the beginning of an annual Thanksgiving Celebration, 74-years after George Washington had the first national Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1789.  In other words, November 26 and Thanksgiving have been big in history, along with '74'.

  1. First Thanksgiving November 26, 1789 (Washington)
  2. Thanksgiving made annual holiday November 26, 1863 (Lincoln)
  3. Thanksgiving made fourth Thursday of every November, November 26, 1941 (FDR)
Here is also a quick little blurb about the original Christian Pilgrims, who celebrated the First Thanksgiving.  Notice the date they left, September 6, and the number of them, 102.

Freemason = 96
Thanksgiving = 96 (Pythagorean, with SKV exceptions)
United States of America = 102 (Pythagorean, S exceptions)


  1. From the Geinhausen Charter of April 13, 1180 to July 4, 1776 is 2'17,76'0 days. Coincidence? ;)

  2. Great stuff. Thank you for your work.


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