Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

144 | 'No Kevin Love' for Game 3 of NBA Finals, June 8, 2016

Don't worry about no Kevin Love, Cleveland has the new 'Zen Master', Tyronn Lue.  Really, I'm just talking nonsense, but there's a reason for this scripted storyline for Game 3.

Keep in mind, pro sports are used to socialize the masses.  What a story like this does is further feminize the men of the world.  When I was a kid, there was none of this pussy concussion shit.  I remember colliding heads with an opponent when I was a teenager going for a rebound.  The way our heads hit, the other kid was completely knocked out for a minute and he just laid motionless on the court.  My head hurt too.  He went out of the game for a little bit, but he returned, I kept on playing.

I can only imagine that same scenario these days, everyone would be worried about a concussion.  We'd probably both be forced to attend to a doctor to receive some "healing pills".  It is this worrying and over analyzing that causes the real problems we suffer from.  It is sucking it up and moving on that keeps the world spinning.

And if you didn't see what happened to Kevin Love, a player on the Warriors jumped into him from behind while trying to rebound in Game 2, smashing their elbow into the back of his head.  It was a blatant no call, all part of the clearly staged game.  Still, Kevin Love reminded me of a little girl the way he laid on the court.  The NBA has always been a league of big giants, who love to act, and over exaggerate contact.  Fuck you Vlade Divac.

Why do you think these three idiots are wearing costumes for this NBA ad?  Like I always say, the people of the world are fucking retarded losers, and it is why they can't see the obvious, and they go along with all this bullshit.  In ten years time, the world will be for faggots, marshmallows, fucking retards and no one else.  Or wait, we're already there.

Kevin Love:  "LOOK GUYS!  I can see when I had balls."

Related:  Post-Game 7 Eastern Conference Finals Press Conference, May 27, 2016


  1. Fuck you Vlade Lol.

  2. Lebron Scores 64 Tonight as a Tribute to Ali's 1964 Name Change?

    Lebron Sixty Four" in the English Ordinal system equals 223

    Lebron Sixty Four" in the English Reduction system equals 79

    223-79= .. 144 ..

    1. 6+8+16= 30
      6+8+20+16= 50
      6+8+(2+0+1+6)= 23

      30+50+23= .. 103 ..

      Concussion Kevin Love" in the English Reduction system equals 85 / 103

    2. 64 is pushing it just a bit lol. maybe 31

  3. Another Kalamazoo incident. Driver collided with several cyclists. 5 dead and 4 injured. Being reported the incident occurred at 6:30 pm.

    The propaganda has been non-stop lately.

  4. The guy who preedicted 9 straight nba finals winners (Gary the numbers guy) predicted last year that kevin love would win 2016 finals mvp.

    1. Plus I heard he called OKC and Cavs this year, so streak over. I'm sure by next season though, people will be posting that he has called the last 30 NBA Championships straight.

    2. I'm with Zachariah on this one... I need to see evidence of this Gary's "predictions".

    3. That Gary numbers guy is a fraud he said the pats would win last year

      Listen him if you want he reminds me of me cleo

    4. Sorry I meant he predicted the finals winner. Not the matchup. Idk about the evidence before 2011 but he does have tweets and an article links for finals 2012-2016

    5. Again the dude has 33 in his name. I've already went over the Relationship of the Pats and Zach last year before the super bowl so I don't think you should use the word "Fraud"

    6. I had predicted like 7 in a row before last season. I had Cle before Kyrie went down. Im not really doubting he did bc like 4 or 5 of those seasons was very obvious who was winning heat or lakers

    7. Damn Warri... In high school you was the man Warri... What the fuck happened to you?

    8. I read his tweets I think he's a big cleveland Homer

    9. EMM---You have an immortal technique, good sir.

  5. lol funny as fuck. I just read the article on Espn about "King Gilbert"=114 and Trump being in Quicken loans for the National Convention that begins on 18/7. Just wondering if maybe that's part of the total score of Game 2 being 187 as well.

  6. Setting up the betting in Vegas..... Agent 0 is taking his position for the ridded realty to play out.............

  7. Zach Unleashing the Beast 228 (United States of America) Right on!

  8. Zach...I'm pretty sure the dead sister car crash in Hawaii is a story meant to scare you.

    Alexandria Duval = 59 & 149 = Zachary K Hubbard. She was 37 = Zachary. Her dead sister is Anastasia Duval = 145 = Numerology. Alexandria Duval is also known as Alison Dadow = 117. If we look "One One Seven, we get 52 (Prophecy) and 133 (This is a Hoax).

    These fuckers know we are starting to catch on to their Bull Shit.

  9. Just heard on ESPN radio that Cavs have been held to "88" PPG in their last 7 meetings with the Warriors. Any comments?

    1. Two Two Three Cleveland" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Lebron Ali" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

      Lebron James Game Three" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Sixty Four Points" in the English Reduction system equals 79 / 88

      Lebron James Game Three" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Kevin Love June Eight" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Look At The ESPN Photo.

      Lebron James Goggles Cape" in the English Ordinal system equals 211

      Lebron James Goggles Cape" in the English Reduction system equals 94 / 112

      Lebron Ali Eighty Eight " in the English Ordinal system equals 211

      Lebron Ali Eighty Eight " in the English Reduction system equals 112

      Lebron Will Do A Tribute To Ali Tonight with 43, 52 or 64 Points?

    2. Kevin Love Muhammad Ali" in the English Ordinal system equals 211

      Kevin Love Muhammad Ali" in the English Reduction system equals 85 (basketball= 85)

      Kevin Love Ali" in the English Ordinal system equals 137

      Eighty Eight Points Per Game" in the English Reduction system equals 137

      Lebron James Sixty Four Game Three" in the English Reduction system equals 137

      137-85= .. 52..

      52 years since Clay Changed Name To Ali.

    3. You are the absolute worst at this whole gematria, you are a cancer to this whole thing. Haven't realized it yet with no one replying to any of your forced gematrias. Go somewhere else with this crap, as a matter of fact, don't and just stop all together, please.

  10. Theres going to be a tribute to Loves absence tonight. Im going for Lebron to score 43 points.

    Either that or Lebron and Irvin combine for 54.

    Your 100% right about the programming of pussys in this society. You should see professional football players, ive never seen people hit the floor so often with so little contact its horrible to watch and ive seen it starting to rub of on the younger generations. The whole male society is turning feminine from hitting the gym to hair straighteners to tans.

    I have to say i have fairly feminine habits myself haha setting us up for when women start moving into power?

    1. How is going to the gym feminist lol.

    2. Because for 90% of the people who go to the gym its about getting a beach body and looking pretty. We're all satanists now including myself i roll around in a BMW Sport car when i could easily but a corsa to do the same job. Society is defined by how much money you have to buy nice things and show off.

      Im not saying its a completely bad thing, looking after yourself for a guy is important but i think having the knowledge helps you keep it in check.

    3. Ya i agree with that aspect, i go because it makes me feel good and i enjoy it. Most people there do the dumbest shit too.

    4. I agree with everything, except the we are all satanists part... I worship nature, not myself.

    5. I should have worded it differently, good for you man. Me on the other hand, i kind of enjoy the egotistic things. Money, cars nice things = success in our society.

      I like to be successful without being arrogant. I suppose maybe one day ill get to that point you are at. This practice not only helps me make more money but woke me up to other truths.

      Mainly the food im eating and my overall well being, when you can step out of the programming and see it for what it is your mind can be so much clearer especially when your not feeding your body with all this shit they promote as food.

      If anyone looks at this i would implore you to eat a clean diet and stop feeding yourself with cows milk and the rest of the shit they say you need. The difference in your thinking ability will drastically improve and you can start using the energy in your body rather than subduing it and contributing to an early passing.

    6. Yeah... I used to be into the fast cars and money too, but life will smack you around sometimes, to help wake you up and keep things in perspective.

      I sounds like you're headed down the right path, and you can't expect a complete change overnight... The important thing is, it sounds like you're improving... That is the key, to not become stagnant or satisfied with progress.

      Keep it up bro, and you'll get there, or even surpass wherever there is.


  11. Trump = 88
    "Eighty Eight" = 69 & 123 = Conspiracy
    "Cleveland Cavaliers" = 69

    1. So Maybe Something happens to Trump 7-11 Instead of 8-22.

      From June 8th to July 11th is 33 days.

    2. From 6/7 to 8/22 is 76 the reverse of 6/7.
      From 6/7 to 7/6 is 29 days.
      From 6/7 + 67 days is 8/13

    3. 67 is the 19th prime...

      Nineteen = 41 = USA

      19 is the 8th prime, and 41 is the 13th...

      That 8/13 date could be spot on.

    4. 8/13/2016 = 8 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 21

      Recall that 9/11 had a 21 numerology...

      9/11/01 = 9 + 11 + 1 = 21

    5. 21 has a numerology of 3, and you know what they say...
      "Bad news comes in threes."

      Bad news comes in threes = 86 = Nineteen

      Recall that the 19th prime is 67.

  12. draymond gets ejected today when he kicks Lebron then suspended for game 4.
    Cavs only chance.

    1. Lol, yes... The only way. Or maybe they score more points, ever think of that? Warriors lost to Houston in the playoffs, without green kicking anyone on the nuts.

  13. love barley got hit but I guess this good for cavs fans because they usually win without him

    It don't matter tho because I don't think live it Lebron will be there next year

  14. So are the cavs still in position to win it all with this new information on LOVE?

    1. This is new information for us but has been apart of the script from the beginning. If the script is for Cavs to win and you believe that the numbers are correct dont let all these props distract you.

      As Zach said its just for entertainment, if cavs win tonight without love people will be hyping them again. These twists and turns are all about keeping the audience entertained.

      Just like the Champions league final when Ronaldo was apparently "Touch and go" to play. He was scripted to score the goal to give RM the 79th trophy and how do they make it entertaining? Real take the lead the atletico pepper them for the rest of the game Real cling on to penalties then golden boy scores the winner and gets his moment.

      They do a good job at it, look how many millions are duped on a daily basis

    2. Good advise Jmontz... Stick with your intuition, and don't go for the pump fakes.


  15. does the death of Sean Rook at 46 that played for Philly I think and was and ass. coach for miami d league team mean anything?

    1. Zachary already posted about you have to go back in the archive

  16. Been saying this for years..... it's really easy to see the programming when you are aware of how things work....

    I been telling people watch..... in 5-10 years men will be wearing dresses....

    Now look at a bunch of these celebs... there have been so many celebs and basketball players wearing Skirts and dresses in public...... And people think this is normal. it's unbelievable.

    1. Galidiators wore sort of a skirt, men wear kilts, Muslim wear robes, monks don't wear pants. Now if you said the foods and soft drinks are laced with female hormones and the dairy products too, I can agree.

    2. Well, it's really difficult. We pulled away from mainstream media and TV "entertainment" years ago now, because we could see the devolution. This being true, we could only suspect and didn't have these tools to "see" it. It's difficult to get people to believe things they cannot see for themselves.
      You're totally right.

    3. when have celebrities and basketball players ever done that?.... that's a week argument. Even in fashion they are starting to make long t-shirts tailored in the middle and flare out at the bottom......

      lol get real.

    4. When has putting flowers in your beard ever been a thing?.... when has male clip on hair buns ever been a thing???... when has male glitter ever been a thing?

    5. @ mir, it's true... i stopped watching tv a long time ago. It's crazy how important television shows and tv are to our society....... i honestly feel like one of the main reasons tv is so dangerous, is because it seems to be blurring the lines of peoples minds with reality..... People can't even tell what's real or fake anymore......

      It's getting really bad.

    6. I especially like mer-men, those guys who dye their beards teal and pluck their eyebrows. I mean, eyebros, dude.

    7. +B Savage, I stopped around the time of the 'screw everyone over" game strategies of "reality TV" shows (which were new at the time)like Survivor and Big Brother. I was appalled by my co-workers who were absolutely enthralled by people fucking each other over. That's when I made the conscious change to back the hell away from the mind fuck.

  17. Zach the same shit happened to me. I bumped heads with a kid and he was crying. I stayed in like a boss LOL BAHAHAA Funny asf

  18. Also in 10 years there ain't going to be an America any more lol.

    We got IMO 2016-2017. 5 years is unrealistically optimistic.

    It is a wrap

    1. Yep your right. Yellowstone blows soon. Then what.

  19. 144 days before today is 1/16 .....

    today's date 6/8/2016 = 50

    "fifty" = 66

    1. Warriors lost on 1/16 to Detroit.
      95 - 113

      Giving Pistons their "22nd" win.

    2. Golden State Lose to Detroit and Cleveland" in the English Reduction system equals 144

  20. Im extremely confident that this goes to cavs in 7. The work i've done today regarding the links between the NBA championships, the french open just gone and the Euro 2016 in france are concrete.

    I posted it all on another blog post but deleted the comments, i think ill wait and see what happens first (For the record i wont come on here after bragging about how i was right)

    Any of you get any spare time just check out the parallels between the french national football team, Lebron james this years euro 2016, novaks record breaking french open and Paul pogba the young french superstar.

    A Teaser for you, france have won the european championships twice. Last time they hosted it in 1984 they won (Year Lebron was born) they then won again in 2000. (The year Lebron won his first ever championship in college) Lebrons going to win his 3rd ring this year with his hometown Cleveland, France their 3rd European championship.

    The numbers 33,38,42 are stamped all over this tournament.

    Also check out the connections between Pogba's birthday and the deaths of Ali and Kimbo slice. Pogba born on the 74th day of the year, Ali dies 80 days after his birthday.. Eighty = 74 Ali aged 74. Kimbo died 3 days after 83 days after pogba's 23rd birthday. 83 in the 23rd prime.

    Pogba's been set up for player of the tournament and has direct correlations to Lebron. Difference in there birthdays is 10 weeks 6 days. 106.

    Theres literally hundreds of more connections to cleveland and lebron.

    1. Can you link your blog or is in the blog thread?

    2. Nvm I realized you meant you posted your work in the comments of Zach blog

    3. Game 7 will be june 19th. Pogba wears 19. Same day France play their final group game in the city of Lille. Lille = 23, Pogba =23. Lebrons number.

      Game 7 has the date numerology of 41. Like golden state. Hundreds of 41 connections around the champions league final, which zidane won with real madrid. Zidane the most iconic french footballer ever won the CL 13 days before start of the Euro's... 13th prime = 41. Lebrons 13th season. Zidane took over on 4/1/16.. 4/1 numerology of 41. 145 days before the CL final. Zinedine Zidane = 145 and 168 days before the Euros.. 168 = Cleveland Caviliers.

      The Euro's start on a date with 52 Numerology like the 52 years since the city of Cleveland won a championship. Ends on a date with 33 numerology Cleveland = 33. This is the 15th Euro's 15th prime = 47. France = 47.. Ohio = 47.

      One thing that worries me though. From Lebrons birthday to the start of the finals is 163 days thats the 38th prime. 38- death.

      To the end of the finals is 193 days, the 44th prime = kill. ISIS has stated that they will target euro 2016, i expect more propagander bomb scare throughout the whole thing.

      Right not posting any more even though there is loads, lets see how it pans out!

    4. Lebron never went to college, so he didn't have a championship in 2000.

    5. I think he meant high school

    6. ya your probably right, just a minor mistake.

    7. My bad im from england so our educational systems a little different. He won this in high school: Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) He won it 3 times but the first in 2000. According to wiki it was his first notable basket balling achievement. I guess he won this at 14/15?

    8. He probably meant state champions for High skool.
      Appreciate the work jmontz!

    9. I agree....

      Before the Cavs and Raptors game 5, I said that i think Lebron has "9" more games left until victory....

      Game 7 will be the 9th game...

      I think that is the best scenario for the NBA also...

      Win or lose, Vegas would make a lot of money with a game 7.

  21. jmontz: Your believing France wins Euro 16 as well?

    1. I do yes and i think they will play portugal at some point along the way, possibly the final depending on were both teams finish if they both top there groups they wont meet till the final. Ironically they both got the easiest two groups in the competition.

      If i had to pick a game for a bomb scare that would be the one.

  22. Cavs were up 2-1 last year without love
    Warriors could be up 2-1 tonight with no love


    1. Jmontz... I think Republic of Ireland are winning Euro 16.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ucla shooter killed wife in Minnesota.
      Kevin love played at Ucla and Minnesota
      Prince from Minnesota

    4. I can see why you would think that with the 63 connection and the 131 birthday of one of there players. It could happen. However i believe the answers to each event and hidden in other events. France links up with this years NBA and the Cavs, the French open wear djokovic broke the 47 year record and the champions league final just gone.

      As ive said Pogba has been picked for this tournament at 23. He'll have a massive tournament and then be of the one of the super clubs this summer.

  23. Lebron walking into the arena to Jackson 5's ABC..ohhhh Shiiit

  24. Who thinks lebron will score over 30 today??

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Can another thread be made for game time? lol I'm sure that will have way more comments than this.

  27. ha ha! While it seems fair to compare your concussion from a TEENAGER to an NBA player that stands at 6"8' tall and weighs 210...Love isn't the one who makes he call whether he plays. Concussion protocal. buddy.
    But, sure..I am sure your wrestling match between 2 guys that probably combined for 210 lbs is comparable.

    1. Derek, when were concussions even a part of the NBA language prior to the NFL making a big stink about it? This is all propaganda. It's all about turning the world into little girls with no logic such as yourself. A grown man should be tougher than a child.

    2. Do you even understand what the stink is about? It's about your brain rattling around in your head. It's a shame we have advances in medicine to start to notice things. Because no one noticed before, it doesn't exist? Former players keep popping up, saying they can't remember things. You ever see boxers as they age? Comparing your incident to an elbow from someone 3 times as big as the person you tussled with, is ridiculous.
      My God....logic? exercise zero logic. You think it's logical that 10 players on a court can run up and down and execute plays perfectly to land on certain scores? Shoot an exact number of times? Makes shots on cue? Hit buzzer beaters from half court? That someone is turning a magnet on the rim, off an on during a game. That's logical? I mean...I get that you think that happens. But, logical?
      log-ic--reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity
      guess again

  28. So the cavs are winning right

  29. Whos watching the game?whos side are the refs on??

  30. Look at the 3 halftime scores it tells alot


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