Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, June 19, 2016

34 38 47 58 81 88 92 | Antonio Perkins 'Facebook live' shooting

What kind of bullshit propaganda is this?

Antonio = 1+5+2+6+5+9+6 = 34 (Murder)
Perkins = 7+5+9+2+9+5+1 = 38/47/56 (Death = 38)
Antonio Perkins = 72/81/90 (Chicago = 81)

Antonio = 1+14+20+15+14+9+15 = 88
Perkins = 16+5+18+11+9+14+19 = 92 (Fear)
Antonio Perkins = 180

Let us not forget the gematria of 'Facebook'.

Facebook = 6+1+3+5+2+6+6+2 = 31
Facebook = 6+1+3+5+2+15+15+11 = 58 (Freemasonry)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I guess that really depends on the Anthony...
      For example, if it were St Anthony, then it might be "The Feast of All Feasts"
      Which sounds kind of important.
      Like the big annual feast celebration of St Anthony and St Lucy
      Then it is historically anything but innocuous,
      Even if you got to put it together all peacemeal like!

    2. In the movie The Shining, Tony was the name of Danny's imaginary friend, the little boy who lived in his mouth and stomach

  2. St. Anthonys Fire aka Ergotism
    Google that shit it's wild
    That's the LSD like effects from eating rye contaminated with fungus
    People who ate it were considered bewitched

  3. Yesterday someone was telling me about this new TV show called Braindead about aliens taking over the brains of politicians in DC, apparently the aliens are like Ants or an Any colony. I haven't had time to watch this show myself yet, but hearing that info about the ant like aliens and then seeing all these Anton names lately makes me say hmmm

    1. Could always be a celebration of Anton Levay, the man who gave the occult a face. It is funny he was such a Satanist and died on a date with 155 numerology. 11-29-1997

    2. Like Anton being a Satanist and loving the ole 666 and Antman from Marvel is named

      Scott Lang---111, 666

    3. And I keep thinking with 1966 being Year One of Satan's rule, according to LeVay and the brood, and here we are 50 years later with the 50 dead in Orlando. Year One is called

      Anno Santans---119, 454J

      If anyone has never read about that particular ceremony, it is worth a read. They use and mock every religion in their practices.

      So, I get the feeling that not only does all this tie into the royal but into LeVays avenue of overrule as well.

    4. It was 50 years, 1 month, 11 days since that satantic declaration ritual to the night of the Orlando attacks.

      Can't spell Devil without Evil. Muhahahahahaha!!!!

    5. Missed an A up there in Satanas, but them be the right digits.

    6. And you cant spell good with out Go_d.
      How do you get 227 out of Antons death date?
      I get:
      10/29/1997 - 10+29+19+97 = 155
      10/29/1997 - 10+29+1+9+9+7 = 65
      10/29/1997 - 1+2+9+1+9+9+7 = 38
      10/29/97 - 10+29+97 = 136
      For an 11 date
      He died on the 302nd day or the year with 63 days left.

      I think it would have been more amusing if he died on 10/31 but that would have only been a 4 date. (if I calculate right) :-)

    7. I probably cheated, but I dropped the 0 from 10 and did 1+29+1997=2027. 227. I am also high. ;)

  4. Off the subject but i think i made a connection to the Fake Ass gay shooting at the PULSE . Looks like old Ed Dames may finally be a happy man. Doom... More later

  5. It's funny that you typo'ed Antonio Martin instead of Antonio Perkins because Martin was the kid shot in Chicago on 12-23-14, Antonio P dies on 6-15-16, but it got me thinking of Travon Martin who died 2-26-12. With Antonio Martin in the middle, and a Martin on one side with Antonio on the other, that's three dead connecting the dots

    1. I think Tony Perkins is the name of the actor who starred in the Hitchcock movie Psycho

    2. You are right. He died 8677 days before this cat on 9-12-1992.


    3. He died 161 days after his 60th birthday, or 23 weeks. He was born on 4-4-1932(44) which is 4+4+1+9+3+2=23, like the weeks.

      Anthony was also known for being a closet homosexual and having affairs with high profile Hollywood men. I only bring that up in light of recent events.

    4. I almost don't want to comment because there are already 23 comments, but 23 comes up alot concerning sexual stories or people's bios that were sexual in nature because of the whole perversion of the 23 chromos we get from each parent. There is a spooky story from the dark corners of internet hoopla that says Satan can add a third 23 chromos to people he chooses, making them better then us. And 23×3 is of course, 69 Dudes!

    5. Maybe we r the ones with the Xtra chromosomes making us better than them, the prison guards.
      You have to wonder why they r constantly trying to get us to donate blood, checking our urine, contribute our time, money, and attention to bs problems, trying to intimidate us into accepting ridiculously invasive procedures in the name of health, why r we so controlled?

    6. Maybe we r the ones with the Xtra chromosomes making us better than them, the prison guards.
      You have to wonder why they r constantly trying to get us to donate blood, checking our urine, contribute our time, money, and attention to bs problems, trying to intimidate us into accepting ridiculously invasive procedures in the name of health, why r we so controlled?

    7. That is unlikely to work, chromosomes always work in pairs so an odd number set wouldn't work. A set of 2 is normal but set 4,6,8 or more might work. It's called polyploidy. It's pretty rare in animals, since animals a very complex and too many things can go wrong but it's common in plants. Polyploid plants tend to produce larger flowers or larger fruits so it's cultivated when it happens.

    8. I never thought it was likely to work, just spewing what I know about some of their weird ideology.

  6. Facebook Live Stream" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    Live Stream Antonio Perkins" in the English Reduction system equals 115 (The CNN Video 1:15)

    Perkins Masonic Killing" in the English Reduction system equals 105 / 123

    Antonio Perkins Masonic Killing" in the English Reduction system equals 139

    The last thin Perkins said before shots ring out?
    "Boy Stop."

    Boy Stop" in the English Reduction system equals 31 (Facebook= 31)

    Boy Stop" in the English Ordinal system equals 112

    112-31= .. 81 .. (Anthony Perkins , Chicago= 81)

    Anthony Perkins One One Two" in the English Reduction system equals 117 / 126

    ( Same Numbers All Month. Every Story.)

    1. These numbers are probably our invisable walls.
      The thing that I find so frustrating is that our country is basically one big prison yard, but we r constantly told we r free and given just enough examples in news stories about prisoners, illegal aliens, the poor starving people in ___ , the poor refugees running away from the evil ISIS, etc to contrast our situation with, to make whatever BS they expect from us seem resonable to most people. And they don't want to hear otherwise because then they might actually have to use their brains and our culture (like a petri dish!) Has convinced them that anyone who does is either a nerd or paranoid possibly insane or a "crazy conspiracy theorist."

  7. People either can't or won't look at things critically. My niece has been receiving a lot of harassment from her school about the dress code so I went with her to conplain. She feels singled out because she has large breasts and constantly told to cover up. I told them I found the way they obsessed over these girls bodies was frankly v creepy and that policing what women r allowed to wear is one of the v first policy's the Taliban instituted as well as the Iranian Revolution. And of course they chuckle because I'm being outrageous to equate their restrictions of girls so that the "boys won't be so distracted" to the Iranian morality police, even tho there is no difference. Fuck if boys r so distracted why not seperate them girls on one side boys on the other even a seperate wing for gender retardation bit no can't do that then there wouldn't be any problems that need solving by paid experts like psychologists and councilors and parenting experts to "handle" your kids until they learn to police themselves and others for a pathetically small paycheck. If they get mad then they must be sick give em some meds not fun ones tho till they learn to get in line.
    Ugh sorry to keep going off I just had to vent

  8. It seems a longshot that this is connected but I'm seeing some interesting things within the history of this restaurant, 'Perkins Restaurant and Bakery'.

    Perkins restaurant and bakery=112(P)
    CEO is Jeffery Dallas WARNE. Opened in '58. Facebook=58. First location opened in Ohio(Cavs). Minnesota(Prince) is mentioned as the headquarters there from the late 60's to late 70's, in one city that changed its name from Edinburgh (capital of Scotland) to Edina. Florida is also mentioned having locations. Colorado too (Broncos). Basically many states of focus in recent times. First location with the prototype re-design of the building was in '92 at the Illinois location. Perkins=92. This Antonio Perkins is from Chicago Illinois.

    Same restaurant they said one of Tiger Woods' mistresses worked at. Antonio, Tony, Tony the Tiger? Fist location opened in Cincinnati (Bengals/Tiger).. May be a bigger reason it was a Perkins they said Tiger's side side side chick worked at. Maybe a stage for a future hoax. Not quite family owned anymore, this Perkins.

  9. Not only bs propaganda, but more free advertising for Zuckster Huckster.

  10. Chicago Cubs win World Series

  11. Is there even a such thing as live-streaming on Facebook? Or is that just what they call recording yourself these days? When in fact you upload it when you're done recording..

    1. It's been ages since I was on FB, but they had realtime audio and were beta testing realtime video, so pretty sure it's possible. I think there was a story about HS kids live-streaming a threesome when the new service went live?

    2. Sure nuff. It's exists. Just looked into it. And that doesn't surprise me. Lol


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