Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, June 19, 2016

52 226 | CNN headlines, 'City of champs once more', Cleveland Cavaliers NBA Finals

Prophecy = 52
California = 52

The gematria of '226' stands out.  Last year it was the February 26, 2015 game that I used to predict the NBA Finals would be Warriors and Cavs.  This year, 'Prince Rogers Nelson' died on what is typically the 111th day of the year, and as I said then, its as part of a ritual for this year's NBA Finals. As you might recall, Game 1 of the Finals, Prince's cause of death was released.

'226' also has that NYC connection, which reminds me of Hillary and the history of the NBA Finals, Eastern winners, and the Democratic Party.


  1. 29 days to the
    6/19 - 7/18

    1. Great observation, the start of the Republican Convention.

    2. I have been wondering if this is linked to the cavs winning I'm in cleveland

    3. I have been wondering if this is linked to the cavs winning I'm in cleveland

  2. Does anyone know what the significance of wearing black on the away games was for ?? Usually it meant they were being sacrificed along with orange - as I've seen in previous work by Zach / other sports

    1. The Cavs are now 6-1 in the black jersey. 61 links into the date numerology. 19+6+20+16 = 61

      Sixty one = 41 (Golden State, 19+6+16 = 41, King)
      Sixty one = 131 (Championship)

      There may be more significance...

    2. "Orange is the 'New' Black"

      "New Black" = 71 = "Hidden Hand" = "Catholic"

      "Seventy One" = 144 = "Mark of the Beast"

    3. Mike, look at all the deaths during the Finals. It was a funeral.

    4. The funeral thing is good. Also with the Catholic connection all visitors to the Pope wear black, as he is always dressed in white. And, starting around 1398ish, all members of the royal court began wearing black in his presence. Not sure if that tradition continues.

      But yes. 6-19-16, the culmination of the palindrome week of horror, I agree on the funeral procession.

    5. Makes sense ... I guess it went along with the "under taker" theme as well

  3. Lebron keeps calling God "the man above"
    English Gematria:

    The man above = 636
    Prophecy = 636

  4. Not sure if I saw this anywhere but the total points were 182. The reflection of 281
    281 is the 60th Prime number.
    Tribute to Kobe, Tribute to Moses Malone. Lebron also came into the NBA straight out of High School.

  5. I've got an old Witness shirt, I'm gonna write Rigging beneath it. I'll wear that around northeast Ohio for awhile. Might start some interesting conversations, might get me lynched.

    1. Lol, I'm surprised any of those shirts would still exist. I'm guessing you are from NE Ohio from some of your posts. I'm from Painesville.

    2. Yup, I'm from Akron. Went to StVM high school and met Lebron too. Glad to know another Ohioan knows about Gematria!

    3. Well, it ends up that Gary the Numbers Guy is from Cleveland. I used to hear him occasionally on the Mike Trivisonno Show on WTAM.

    4. No shit, I've never seen his work but I've heard of him. Does he teach gematria?

    5. Yes, he does. But he charges huge amount of money, and makes you sign a NDA. So he's not a truther, and I'm not a fan.

  6. Looking at photos of the crowd it's just bizarre to me how fucking crazy people go over a sport team winning or losing. I know this is nothing new, it's an excuse to party, I can recognize the beauty of the game, appreciation for the skills of the players, it's like watching ballet, etc..but still I just can't get that worked about watching a bunch of millionaires run up and down a court. If they win or lose its nothing to me. Of course I'm not a sports fan but I think the overlords recognize our human need for drama and something to worship. The need to cheer and bond with others for a common cause I think they encourage us to channel that drive into Fandom. While charging us ridiculous amounts to go see a game and forcing the taxpayers to fund these arenas where everyone involved gets to make $$$$$ while the citizens get nothing but shit as usual.

    1. Should have heard my neighbor from Oakland. He was loud as hell, then suddenly it got very quiet.

  7. Warriors were rehearsing their defeat when they went down 3-1 and came back vs OKC.Exactly like the WWE weeks before a big match wrestlers will practice sequences of that match with others in smaller shows to perfect it when they are doing a bigger show..

  8. Of every bitch throwing their hands up in the air to cheer for rich giants who are probably cheating anyway, if they would instead channel that energy into standing up for themselves and saying NO I won't pay that, do that, fill out that goddammnd form, it's outrageous and I won't put up with this bullshit one more ninute! If more people would do that loudly and the people around could support them and back them up by cheering for THEM the people who r saying NO MORE No! I will not just shut up and do that retarded thing don't you dare put your hands on me! If I could get cheers instead of people just standing there awkwardly or worse supporting the v same system that makes their own lives a misery...well it would be a much differnt world than this one. I'm so tired of living in Retardland with people so bullied into submission or just plain stupid they might as well be robots. Ugh

    1. Imagine if people got as pissed about the way the world is run, corruption, etc. as they did their favorite team losing.

  9. The Cav's just landed at the airport and the 'news' coverage is on all of the networks. What made this kind of funny is that while Cav's were disembarking the plane (a Delta DC-9?) the newscaster mentioned that a Prince song was playing.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "Warriors" = 49, 121, and 726 in Gematria ehich osbthe same Gematria as "Revelation". Revation isbthe book of Prophecy. Cavs faced warriors last year and Warriors won,the Revelation team. Now here are the 2 teams again in the finals this year but the Cavs won after going 52 years without a title . "Prophecy" = 52 and 106. Warriors just played their 106th game of the season while Cavs win after a 52 year drought. People its all about Prophecy and the book of Revelation ...Prince said we have to go by Prophecy now.. And its all over the place. The false Jewish evil high level masons and Zionists are on a missok to create a new world order and they're pushing hard. All it would take is the tight war, the right devastating event, the right natural HAARP disaster. They are pushing the book of revelation hardcore now. Revation 6:2 talks about a white horse which is the first horse of the apocalypse...the Denver Broncos win this years Superbowl, the white horse. In Revation 6:2 the white horse had a rider who had a bow and a CROWN was given to him..Kings wear crowns don't they?? leBron is referred to as 'the King' and he just received his crown by winning a chip for Cleveland finally after 52 years 'prophecy'. Warriors and Cavs are in the finals concutive years during this time in history because the Zionists want them there to show secretly that they are going to bring about their man made prophecies soon. . Both LeBron and Curry born in the same hospital kn Akron Ohio and what's the chances of that? 6 MVP's between them..."Akron, Ohio" = 52 and 106 in Gematria. the same Gematria for "Prophecy". We shpd be thankful for Zach..this gemtria code is probably the most important thing you'll ever find and he charges nothing to teach it. Can't wait for the book Zach. Everything is scripted it seems....u just ask yourself...why the hell am I here...why was I created??? We all have to learn more about the spiritual world to truly understand what's going on around us ...the Zionists know that world and are deceiving millions because of their spiritual knowledge ..time to wake up and stop this new world system and these sacrifices of human flesh and call em out

    1. This is brilliant. Great connection of revelation 6:2 with the white horse and the King. A cavalier would also ride a horse. People don't understand how symbolic the sports are to the masons. Some people understand it's rigged even without knowing gematria, but then they don't understand the symbology. Why we're all here, why we were all created, it's really a matter of personal interpretation. You define why you're here, you make yourself what you are here. One things for sure, we're all here for a reason. I think the primary reason all of us raising awareness and spreading truth are here is the witness the end times. Apparently the masons forgot the meaning of the word END. It's the end of them. The creation of humanity's utopia, not theirs. It's funny they put their numbers and symbols all over revelation but somehow forgot it prophesizes their own demise.

    2. Exactly. Sometimes I think they know their demise is inevitable, their just trying to "enjoy" this golden age they've been living in

    3. It just occurs to me that Akron is known as the Rubber City because of Firestone Tire.

      Lets see:
      Rubber City -- 123/51/881
      The Rubber City -- 156/66/994

      Firestone -- 111/48/385
      Firestone Tire and Rubber Company -- 335/146/1577

      Some familiar numbers

    4. Also Goodyear tire as well, the company my great grandfather founded. Get this, my family was once rich and lived at Stan Hywet hall where I now work. It turns out my grandfather was forced to resign from Goodyear, the company he founded, in order to refinance. He was forced to do so on Friday the 13th, leaving him nearly broke. Then the bankers (who he damns in his auto biography) lowered the price of good years stock so much, that he was forced to sell the 60,000 shares he had in order to payoff lendors. They destroyed him and my family. The masons didn't like a pioneer of industry who hired deaf, mutes, and blacks, and someone who gave basically all the land he owned to the city of Akron. Our old home where, I now work, was donated to Akron as well to be used as a community and educational resource. My family has suffered from the Masons hand a lot more than most. Not to over personalize this, but imagine realizing this in light of learning about gematria and all....

    5. The story is much the same with Firestone, they changed hands in much the same way, even though I think the Firestones are still rich.

    6. The Detroit Lions owner was a Firestone who married a Ford. She is a Knights Templar, her father Harvery Firestone Jr. Was a Freemason. There are several firestones who have been masons.

  12. I kinda feel like they are going to win again next year. Its that Once More=88, 44 reduced, 263 J

    Course 263J is a pretty loaded digit. Colts amongst the outcomes.

    1. Either that or its just a straight kill code and Cleveland is fucked. Enjoy the next 30 days.

      City of Champs---138, 760J
      Once More--88

      Trump Christ(760J) coming to lay waste to the Golden Land.

    2. City of Chumps -- 158/59/959

    3. Thirty Days of Jubilee---234, 1404, 2089(J) 289, like the 89 Tie that lasted so long.

      2089(J)--What goes around comes around

    4. I have been wondering if the convention wad related to the cavs winning, I am I cleveland

  13. That was such a great show



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