Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, June 19, 2016

35 44 89 93 | The NBA Finals and LeBron's lifetime contract with 'Nike', another King James tribute

King James Bible, 66-Books.

LeBron wins NBA Finals on King James birthday, June 19, 2016.  Kin James was born June 19, 1566, emphasis on '66.

In light of the Cavs winning 93-89, I'm reminded that 'King James' of the Cavs has a lifetime contract with Nike, that he signed earlier this year, the shoe company that is named in tribute to Saturn, and has a logo to match.

It has been 39-years since the Portland Trailblazers won the NBA Championship, where Nike is headquartered, the 33rd state, Oregon.  The Portland Trailblazers and the Cleveland Cavaliers joined the NBA in 1970.  

That deal was signed just after Nike turned 44-years old, December 8, 2015.

12/8/15 = 12+8+15 = 35

King James = 2/11+9+5+7+1+1+4+5+1/10 = 35/44/53

Here is LeBron after the game in his Nike t-shirt and gear.


  1. In the battle of Nike vs under armor Nike wins easy plus Nike is making the nba jerseys after next season

    Curry will be in the finals next year so he don't care

  2. Wonder if the Full Moon has anything to do with the events of today.

  3. I wonder if there is any foreshadowing to the Royal Family. King James VI was king for 22yrs 3days (223) and was succeeded by Charles.
    Prince Charles is currently heir to the throne, and in the Christmas speech last year Elizabeth (88) said it was the last Christmas..

    1. Charles had major parallels to the World Series won by the Royals.

    2. She did? WTF is that all about. Did she say why?

    3. Prince William is descended from King James' Stuart blood line through his mother. William is 33 years old and will be 1776 weeks old on July 4. The Stuart bloodline is supposedly the Holy Grail bloodline descended from King David and Jesus.

    4. Though HRH Prince Charles is not actually the heir. The 33 year old HRH Prince William was decreed the heir by the 89 year Queen in January of this year.

    5. That should have read, the THEN 89 year old..

  4. you still like cubs? Astros are going ok

  5. Zach, do you know anything about astrology? I noticed Gary the numbers guy uses birth signs, zodiacs, etc. To make his predictions. He has 10 in a row correct picks in NBA finals

    1. Gary the numbers guy picked Cavs and Thunder and is a hoax. Please stop talking about this person who hasn't picked anything right.

    2. Gary says that the games are NOT rigged.=) He is going to start charging for his predictions, no more freebees. He also has the freemasonic number 33 tattooed on his right shoulder.

  6. Do you think the shirt in the commercial, Ohio vs the world could have anything to do with the Republican conveNational in Cleveland, they got (50) million funded to them and spent 20 million on riot gear, coukd this be a tip off to bring in martial law if there are riots and possibly the start of new world order ohio vs the world?

  7. Do you think the shirt in the commercial, Ohio vs the world could have anything to do with the Republican conveNational in Cleveland, they got (50) million funded to them and spent 20 million on riot gear, coukd this be a tip off to bring in martial law if there are riots and possibly the start of new world order ohio vs the world?


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