Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

34 41 52 68 86 212 | Santa Monica Gay Pride threat identified as James Wesley Howell of Indiana

1:03 time stamp eh?  This story was from the day of the Orlando shooting.

50 Dead, 53 Injured (Including shooter).... 103 people.

Notice they say James Wesley Howell is from 'Indiana'.

James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Wesley = 5+5+1+3+5+7 = 26/35
Howell = 8+6+5+5+3+3 = 30
James Wesley Howell = 68/86

JWH = 1+5+8 = 14

James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Wesley = 23+5+19+12+5+25 = 89
Howell = 8+15+23+5+12+12 = 75
James Wesley Howell = 212

JWH = 10+23+8 = 41

Indiana = 9+5+4+9+1+5+1 = 34 (Murder) (Orlando) (6/12/16)
Indiana = 9+14+4+9+1+14+1 = 52 (Pride)

Remember when the LA Mayor dropped 96-million black balls into the Los Angeles water reserve last summer?


  1. Sorry for being off topic...
    Why does your post "if u have your own gematria blog" say it was posted July 21 2016?? Seems like a typo

  2. Because Zach is in the future, duh.

  3. It's so comical that the Christine leinonen character in this charade during her crying interview just had to plug that her "son" was at sea world that afternoon. If you live in Orlando I really don't think that you are gonna go to a tourist trap. I live in San Francisco, people that actually live here aren't walking the Golden Gate Bridge. When I lived n New York, my friends and I weren't hanging out in Times Square. Locals tend to keep their distance from places like sea world.

  4. "to harm Gay Pride event" -- 226/100/1685
    CRIMES -- 67 SE and 223 Bacon Method
    800 222 TIPS -- 78 SE and 33/42 ER
    We are targeted, but we continue to love -- 393/141/3872
    393 = 3 * 131 the 32th prime
    141 = 3 * 47 the 15th prime
    3872 = 32 * 11 * 11


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