Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

48 52 93 121 666 | Kevin Loibl, the accused killer of Christina Grimmie

Let us decode the name Kevin James Loibl, the accused shooter of Christina Grimmie.

Kevin = 2+5+4+9+5 = 25
James = 1+1+4+5+1 = 12/21
Loibl = 3+6+9+2+3 = 23
Kevin James Loibl = 60/69 (Kevin Loibl = 48)

Kevin = 11+5+22+9+14 = 61
James = 10+1+13+5+19 = 48
Loibl = 12+15+9+2+12 = 50
Kevin James Loibl = 159 (Kevin Loibl = 111)

In English Gematria, 'Kevin Loibl' sums to '666'.

3/10/1989 = 3+10+19+89 = 121 (Revelation)
3/10/1989 = 3+10+(1+9+8+9) = 40
3/10/1989 = 3+1+0+1+9+8+9 = 31
3/10/89 = 3+10+89 = 102 (Key of David)

6/10/2016 = 6+10+20+16 = 52 (Prophecy)
6/10/2016 = 6+10+(2+0+1+6) = 25
6/10/2016 = 6+1+0+2+0+1+6 = 16
6/10/16 = 6+10+16 = 32

From his 27th birthday to his supposed death, was a span of 93-days, synching up with 'propaganda', just like his name.


  1. I love the wording of these stories.

    Keven James Loibl ... was named as Christina Grimmie's killer

    What, was he named as the killer by commitee, was the name picked from a hat, what? Lol.

    1. Lol, it's almost as if these a-holes are trying to get exposed lately with how blatantly stupid their hoaxes have been. But alas, the masses are even dumber and everyone stays in the dark.

  2. KJL = 33
    JKL (Jekyll)
    KJ (kage)

    Loibl /Boill/ lb oil/ Bilbo

  3. Smile for the Camera---171, 1026, 523

  4. Gotta love that his name is Kevin James. Look everyone, Paul Blart mall cop just killed a popstar! Fucking ridiculous.

  5. PS;

    Christina = 47 (3+8+9+9+1+2+9+5+1)

    Grimmie = 47 (7+9+9+4+4+9+5)

    Transexual jew = 47 (2+9+1+5+1+5+6+3+1+3+1+5+5)

    1. Adam's Apple = 322 (1+4+1+40+100+1+70+70+30+5)

  6. Born Star Home Moon South Node Christina Grimmie Taurus 12House Pisces Now Life Vertex Scorpio Destroyers Die 6House Virgo Keven James Loibl Virgo 8House Scorpio Destroyers Die


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