Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

33 74 106 | Patricia Smith, crisis actress, pretending son died in Benghazi, July 18, 2016

Patricia = 7+1+2+9+9+3+9+1 = 41 (Pat = 7+1+2 = 10)
Smith = 1+4+9+2+8 = 24/33
Patricia Smith = 65/74 (Pat Smith = 34/43)

Patricia = 16+1+20+18+9+3+9+1 = 77 (Pat = 16+1+20 = 37)
Smith = 19+13+9+20+8 = 69
Patricia Smith= 146 (Pat Smith = 106)

Are people this fucking retarded?  Not one word out of this piece of shits mouth seems sincere.  Fuck these people.  I wish there were enough of me to start the Revolution, the time to make worthless motherfuckers (95% of the U.S) fertilizer, is now.


  1. She keeps repeating that the Department of State will not speak to her or provide her documents about her "sons" death.

    Reason: The State Department says she's not part of his immediate family.

    Well, that part is actually true.

  2. Well, was Sean Smith in Bengahzi, was he really killed, and where is his real mother if she is fake? Just asking?

    1. You could ask the same questions about Chris Kyle = 47 & 110...No?

      If we know that the Government was running guns to Syria for ISIS, whom they created, through Benghazi, what sane person would believe anything about Benghazi?

    2. These are all fictional characters made up for fictional news. Do people not understand what my work is about? Were you alive on 9/11/2001? Come on people. The mainstream only presents orchestrated propaganda, it is an industry, full of liars and actors. My work is the scientific evidence of the scripting behind this bullshit TV "news" or "noise". Go back and see what I showed about Cindy Sheehan. I already did Chris Kyle forever ago. These people are not real. They are props, for the media.

  3. Clinton vs Trump debate moved to NY.


    2. Lets get some bets going on the "Slogans" through out the debates. The person that predicts the most word for word slogans correctly before it is said in a debate or news media wins the Title of 2016 F2FT Election Champion for the entire rest of the year, and a "Tribute" post?

      My first one, "Its Time to Dump Trump" blasting straight out of Hillary's Fat Pie Hole.

    3. "This isn't a man's world anymore". --- H.R. Clinton during her victory speech.

  4. Video is 5:55, "Satan's gematria"


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