Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

33 42 666 | Pokemon Go has doubled Nintendo's stock prince since July 6, 2016

Recall, Pokemon Go = 666

Recall also, Nintendo is company that has seen its CEO die by the numbers in recent times.  He passed July 11, 2015.... 7/11/15 = 7+11+15 = 33

Thirty-Three = 156
Six Six Six = 156


  1. Remember Iwata = 711, the date he died. I think he was likely sacrificed for this game. He was directly involved with pokemons creation.

  2. Oh stock market, you slay me.

    Does anyone really think that Nintendo will make up the stock price differential selling Pokeyman add-ons?


    1. Not only isn't money real, technically neither are the things it buys. Nothing is going to save us!! Literally.

    2. Going off the grid? I really think it's complete rejection of their system. Think about it, it's rejecting their money, their food, their media, their power suppliers.. Only problem is, it takes a lot money to go completely off the grid and to do it well.

    3. No doubt. Land is the biggest problem with going off the grid. Unless you were born into a sizeable chunk, it is nearly impossible for a man of my means to get much.

    4. For sure. There's a reason it's so difficult of course. I think if anyone could get a measly 3 acres of growing land they' d probably have more than enough to feed themselves and their families. There's always the option of rolling the dice at the whole rigged sports thing. I'm definitely putting some down for colts AFC champs.

  3. Shorted the stock. In under 18 months I expect a 150% gain.

    This game will be duplicated and saturated globally before the end of 2016.

    1. Probably a safe bet unless they have another round of QE.

  4. "POKEMON GO" is a psychologically-based tweaking of an (ancient) Asian game known as "BLACK & WHITE STONES" ...

    The JAPANESE call it ... "GO".

    The GOAL is to SURROUND YOUR ENEMY ... unlike "Taking Them Out" -- as you do in Chess (which is a much 'newer' game). There are said to be "more possible moves than there are atoms in the universe".

    ALL of the following systems were developed using "GO" as a template: Game Theory, Computer Programming, Modern Warfare ... Business & Economic Models ...etc.

    And yet -- (supposedly) -- "the psychological aspects" of this game (& it's applications) are "Just Now Starting To Be Studied" ... (which may be Exactly what Pokemon GO actually represents).

    Mao Tse Tung was "obsessed" with "GO" -- using it to formulate his guerilla warfare tactics, & later as a model for leadership. The game's basic LESSON ... of NOT ALLOWING YOURSELF TO BECOME (Unexpectedly) SURROUNDED ... was the REAL rationale behind Mao's isolationist policies (it was a Strategy -- & the purpose was to ward off "Infiltrators").

    It'd be interesting if someone who's played Pokemon GO can figure out how it relates to the "Original" GO -- because this connection is deliberately being left out of ALL the mainstream coverage. ;D :D

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