Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

41 61 88 187 | 'Nothing to see here', CNN headlines on Melania Trump's July 18 GOP Convention speech

Notice what is within the headline 'Nothing to see here...'

The ... tells us there is more to see.

The speech was given July 18, 2016, or 18/7.  187 is also connected to homicide, and there was a clue dropped for a July 21 assassination attempt on Trump, the final date of the GOP Convention.

Of course '88' also connects back to Trump.

8/25/2008 = 8+25+20+08 = 61
8/25/08 = 8+25+08 = 41 (Mom) (USA)

7/18/2016 = 7+18+20+16 = 61
7/18/16 = 7+18+16 = 41

If there is anything to focus on here, it is to acknowledge that no politicians keep their word.


  1. All those People in the Cowboy Hats and American Flag Shirt's Last Night Seemed like Agent Actors.

    Cowboy Hat" in the English Ordinal system equals 112

    Cowboy Hat American Flag Shirt" in the English Reduction system equals 123

    American Cowboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 147

    U S Cowboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 123

    U S Cowboy" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    These sheep may be positioned for a diversion later in the Week.

    1. Agent Actor Cowboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 187 (July 18th)

      Cowboy " in the English Reduction system equals 29

      Cowboy " in the English Ordinal system equals 83

      US Cowboy Agent Actor" in the English Reduction system equals 74 / 83

      US Cowboy Agent Actor" in the English Ordinal system equals 227

      227-83= .. 144 ..

    2. Micheal Melania" in the English Reduction system equals 61

      Micheal Melania" in the English Ordinal system equals 106


      August Twenty Fifth " in the English Reduction system equals 74

      August Twenty Fifth July Eighteenth" in the English Reduction system equals 144

  2. Meanwhile Obama executive Order.

    Executive Order: United Nations allowed to use Force on US Citizens

  3. News saying people are comparing trumps entrance at convention like we undertakers now. Assassination in sight?

    1. Wwe undertakers** (and I'm sorry if my posts come up double.. idk why)

    2. Wwe undertakers** (and I'm sorry if my posts come up double.. idk why)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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