Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 16, 2016

223 | September 16, 2016 CNN reporting, What Bernie Sanders will do if Trump wins


  1. There is something deeper going on.

  2. Sanders has a "new message"

    New message = 111, 39
    New York = 111, 39

  3. 2 min 23 seconds.
    Redundant = 38
    Jew = 38

  4. "What Sanders will do if Trump Wins" = 132
    "Two Thousand Sixteen Election" = 132

    "What Sanders will do if Trump Wins" = 375

    "The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit" = 375
    "Paris France" = 375

    I guess this means that he is going to Pray and Move to France if Trump Wins?

    The time of the clip 223? Really?
    "Two Hundred Twenty Three" = 106
    "Prophecy" = 106

    "Masonic" = 223
    "Curse of the Billy Goat" = 223
    "Electromagnetic Pulse" = 223
    "Governor of California" = 223
    "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" = 223
    "Pattern Recognition" = 223
    "The Star Spangled Banner" = 223
    "The Synagogue of Satan" = 223
    "Worshipful Master" = 223

    Very interesting because:
    "Trumpster in the Dumpster" = 322 [Reflection of 223]

    That was a Headline that I predicted we would see before the 2016 Election.

  5. It amazes me that anyone can take this stuff seriously anymore. Trump or Clinton, who cares, it's not like either will do anything besides give speeches and basically just be a scapegoat for everyone to blame things on.


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