Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 16, 2016

61 73 82 | 'He finally said it', Donald Trump states Barack Obama was born in the United States, September 16, 2016

He finally said it = 73/82/154
Barack Hussein Obama = 64/73/82/91
Civil Rights = 64/73/82/91
United = 28/73

This story comes on a date with '61' numerology, like the year Barack Obama was born, August 4, 1961, WINK WINK WINK.

9/16/2016 = 9+16+20+16 = 61

Remember the JFK warning in 1961, on Christmas Day?

Let us now examine how this story is synched with Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's birthday.

11/4/2008 = 11+4+20+08 = 43


  1. Trump's hair is looking more retarded as the months go by.

  2. A Date with 61 Numerology?
    "Sixty One" = 131 = "Championship"

    "He finally Said it" = 154 = "Ritual Sacrifice"

    "Trump: Barack Obama was born in the United States" = 461
    "Sudden Death" = 461


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