Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, September 18, 2016

33 42 52 57 67 74 139 142 | Football team bus crash in North Carolina, September 17, 2016 (Super Bowl 50 tribute)

They're reporting 4-dead and 42-injured in a 'bus' crash on September 17, 2016.  This story comes the weekend after the high school football crash in Colorado, that was a tribute to Super Bowl 50's winning team the Denver Broncos.  Now a week later, a similar story in the Carolinas, where the Panthers are from, who lost in Super Bowl 50 to the Broncos.  Last week it was 2-dead, this week it is 4-dead, the numbers that make up '42'.

Denver Bus crash, September 11, 2016:

BUS = 2+21+19 = 42
9/17/16 = 9+17+16 = 42
42 injured?

Let us not forget the recent Dallas Cowboys bus crash story at Milepost 42.  Let us also not forget about black history on the 'bus'.

Notice below a team from South Carolina crashed in North Carolina.

South Carolina = 57/66/156 (57, Championship #) (NFL = 66) (False Flag = 156)
North Carolina = 67/148 (Blood Sacrifice = 67) (Freemasonry = 67)

The phrase 'four dead' has gematria of '74', like 'masonic', like 'Jewish'.  Notice the death happened on the Highway 74 bypass.

Last week it was the 'Mile High City'.

Rock Hill = 43/52/88
University of God's Chosen = 112/139 (Freemasonry = 139)

Where they were traveling to, Fayetteville, also connects to '42'.

Fayetteville also has the 'prophecy' connection, like 'Rock Hill'.

The part about the Ramah Jucco Academy makes me wonder if this is some sort of twisted Civil Rights tribute.

Further, notice the detail about 'Clinton College', or CC, or 33.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oops link

  3. Here is an interesting article I stumbled on this morning. I'm not so good with the numbers yet but found a few interesting things. What struck me first was 18 touchdowns in 3 games:
    Lamar Jackson 37/46/118
    Lamar 18/45
    Jackson 19/28/73 QB=19
    eighteen 46/73
    he wears #8 eight 31/49 puppet = 31/94
    Louisville 46/64/136 = 1x3x6 = 18

    I'm sure others could do a much better job.

  4. Zach, the week after the Denver bus crash, there was a story on the local ATL news about a school bus catching fire in the middle of a neighborhood, they had video of it and it was smoldering. Now searching for it there's no trace of it online, at least not from a recent story. Makes me think they were recycling an old story and claiming it was new just to correlate with these deadly bus stories of late.

    1. I think they do complete news stories in advance, and we live out the script story by story....all manufactured in advance. Some day that story will probably resurface fitting into a bigger agenda.

    2. Hey Jake, you know how you found out Al Qaeda Terrorist Attack = 911?
      ISIS Terrorist Attack = 119 (Pythagorean, three S exceptions)

    3. I saw this Headline today:
      "Terror Attack Investigation" = 314 [Pi = 3.14]

      If you write out 777:
      "Seventy Hundred Seventy Seven" = 314

      "Order out of Chaos" = 777

  5. 4 Dead ?
    "Four Dead" = 74 & 444 <====
    "Masonic" = 74 & 444

    "Football Team Bus" = 56 = "Mind Control"
    "Football Team Bus Crashes" = 75, 102, 237 [237 + 732 = 969]
    Speed of Saturn = 9.69 km/s

    "New World Order" = 75
    "NFC Champion" = 102
    "New York Giants" = 181 = "Rings of Saturn"

    181 is the 42nd Prime
    "Freemason" = 42

    in North Carolina?
    "North Carolina" = 148 & 888
    "Donald J Trump" = 148 & 888

    "Satanic Ritual" = 148 & 888

    1. "Forty Two Injured" = 223 <===

      "The Synagogue of Satan" = 223 [48th Prime]
      "Evil" = 48
      "illuminati" = 48

      "Forty Eight" = 133 = "Government"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Called back because Ginn stepped out of bounds, so it died.

  6. Dolphins vs Patriots
    3 29 1978(Adam gase rookie coach)
    110, 129, 57, 39,

    9 18 20 16
    63,43,36, 27
    dolphins= 43

    dolphins 53-48
    total 101, difference 5
    after today a total of 102 game,
    52-46 regular season

    171 days from coach to today, he 0-1
    would be 1-1 likre his 110 date numerology,

    51 and 24 gematria add them 75
    194 day to his upcoming bday

    ryan tannehill is 63, his 27 yr old
    53 days from his upcoming bday
    he's 3 and 5 against the pats
    could be 4 and 5 or 3 and 6, date numerology is 3 and 6

    fakebrady return 71, forty nineth lost=71


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