Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 15, 2016

104 | Israel suspends ties with UNESCO due to conflict over Jerusalem holy site

It is because the Zionists do not belong there.  That is why it is worded as it is.

Anytime the U.N. criticizes Israel, it is all for show.  The U.N. is run by the same people who run Israel.  Remember, it was the U.N., with the 33 member vote, that created Israel, November 29, 1947, the 333rd day of the year.


  1. Of course the are represented by the World Jewish Congress

    "World Jewish congress" in the English Reduction system equals 93

    1. Also, from the date that the UNESCO was formed, Nov. 16, 1945 to the date Isreal was created was a span of

      11/16/1945 to 11/29/1947 = 106 weeks

    2. The World Jewish Congress was form in Switzerland, see #7.

  2. Zack, fan of your work. But you are beginning to sound awfully racist when you throw out comments like "Zionists don't belong there". I'm an American Israeli, consider myself pretty open minded to the truth. So I'm fine w/listening to you and the claims behind the Zionist regime running the show behind the scenes.. but when you begin to throw out claims that they don't belong in that region you are losing a lot of credibility.

    1. lol, glad you showed your true colors. that was quick. so based on the fact that I was born a specific ethnicity means I belong in a wood chipper??? you realize how ignorant you sound?

    2. You clearly know little about respect. You maybe a bright when it comes to numbers but your an ignorant fool when it comes staying within your lane when talking to someone you don't know. I came at you correct. You just drowned yourself in your ignorance, hate blinds the weak.

    3. No "Jacob", your people are the filth of the world and your existence is a detriment to us all. You must be lost posting here. Everyone knows what colors I wear.

    4. Just another infiltrator. It is an old tactic to used to confuse and ultimately sabotage the work.

    5. Birth name is Jake but thanks for the correction bud. I've been on here a few wks, so I just came around to seeing how much of a ignorant pathetic fool you truly are. WE both know how sad of a human being you really are inside, its evident in your videos, your hate & anger is embarrassingly obvious, it shows your weakness.. Instead of threatening you, I will watch you suffer being your miserable self. Your weakness shows how sad you are inside, I will use you like the rest and enjoy watching you dwindle to nothing. Same goes for your sheep groupies that use you, they will encounter the same fate.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not gonna believe this. I just found an article on inquisitr that was written April 6 (6 months ago) titled "Cubs-Indians 2016 World Series:most watched or sign of apocalypse?" Should we pay more attention to

    1. That is the 96th day of the year. Freemason.

    2. its owned by an Israeli businessman- inquisitr


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