Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 15, 2016

45 81 88 137 | Is Vin Skully's retirement a tribute to the Chicago Cubs, or a sign the Dodgers will beat the Cubs?

My student Tony Tell It loves to pick against me.  He is riding the Dodgers all the way to the 2016 World Series Championship.  If he isn't correct, it wasn't a bad pick because he has been saying Dodgers for much of the season, and at worst, they're going to finish as runners up in the NL.

Looking at this Vin Scully retirement riddle, let us begin with the longtime announcer's name, who is signing off after a record span of 67-years calling Los Angeles Dodgers games.  Freemasonry = 67

Baseball = 2+1+1/10+5+2+1+3+3 = 18/27 (MLB = 27)

The name 'Vin' also has a parallels to the Cubs.  Remember, the Cubs have not been in a World Series since the year 1945, emphasis on '45.  This year, just after the World Series, it will be the 45th Presidential Contest, and the frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, is from Chicago.

His nickname, Vin Scully, has that masonic '33' link.

137, the 33rd prime
Chicago Cubs... CC... 33

Vin was born on the 333rd day of the year, the same day in history the Zionist nation of Israel was recognized by the U.N. with a 33 member vote.  That date is November 29.  Scully was born in '27, 20-years before Israel's day.

11/29/1927 = 11+29+19+27 = 86 (Symbol) (Triangle) (Pyramid)
11/29/1927 = 11+29+(1+9+2+7) = 59 (Kill)
11/29/1927 = 1+1+2+9+1+9+2+7 = 32 (America)
11/29/27 = 11+29+27 = 67 (67-years with Dodgers) (Freemasonry = 67) (Blood Sacrifice = 67)

Notice Scully is singing off at age '88', a special number in California.

The last time the Dodgers won the World Series was in '88.

88 also reminds of the travel speed in Back to the Future, where the Cubs win.

They also won in '81.

In addition to that, they also won while in Los Angeles in '59, '63 and '64.  They won one time while in Brooklyn, that was '55.  Chicago Cubs = 55

In addition to that, they have lost in 10 other World Series, meaning they have been in 16 total.  With that in mind, they'd make a fitting team for the Cubs to defeat in 2016, emphasis on '16.

Notice the last home game for him was September 25, 2016.

9/25/2016 = 9+25+20+16 = 70
9/25/2016 = 9+25+(2+0+1+6) = 43 (Champion)
9/25/2016 = 9+2+5+2+0+1+6 = 25
9/25/16 = 9+25+16 = 50

His final call was October 2, 2016.

10/2/2016 = 10+2+20+16 = 48
10/2/2016 = 10+2+(2+0+1+6) = 21
10/2/2016 = 1+0+2+2+0+1+6 = 12
10/2/16 = 10+2+16 = 28

It has been 28-years since the Dodgers won the World Series.


  1. I still think the connections between Chicago and the Clintons/Obamas are pretty strong. Women's Suffrage, which I can't recall you going into too much, is a direct tie to Hillary and really got its push in Chicago and Illinois. So much circles back to Chicago this year, but they may love the pain it causes Cub faithfuls to keep holding on...

  2. Zack the Cubs are looking like the mets last year to much coding they will probably lose like the mets in the World Series they posted a throw back timeline for the Cubs similar to the one for the Cubs

  3. Another thing Zach this year is based on 88 24 42 74 92 and the rest of the 666yrs it could be that since this is the cycle of the leap years is why we keep seeing 227 and 88 was also a leap year when the Dodgers won it the beginning of the cycle I personally thought it would mean the Dodgers win it next year but like someone mentioned almost all the Championships this year were in Ca.

    1. How is this year based on the numbers you said? We've seen a lot of '108', the baseball and Cubs number. There is a reason the NLCS is beginning at 19:08 military time.

    2. I'm not saying this isn't the Cubs year but those numbers are relevant this year All you have to do is go and look at the parallels 42 and 24 years ago u have a team that lost back to back in foot ball that being the Vikings buffalo next in the year of the 6 and the super bowl was in Minnesota basket ball u covered that with Thurman and in 74 warriors won with the father of two players this year warriors lost with the son of a former player who avg the same amount of points as Rick Barry in 74 with the same exact story lines being down and coming back against the same super sonics Clinton 92 so many other things just sharing what I se not throwing anything when u look at something in sports with wiki I usually refrences The year it goes

    3. Even more Truth 72 73 John Havlicek Kevin love shoulder injury the year before the year of the six which they were supposedly a sure bet before he went down

  4. It would also be fitting for a Chicago vs Cleveland series in the sense that CC=33 (C vs C) and "Clinton" in reduction =33. Not to mention Chicago Cubs is another CC=33. I don't think they would want to turn down 3 33's. 3×33=99, "Illinois" =99. Hillary was born in Illinois and the Cubs are in Illinois. But a Dodgers upset could very well be a good betting trap, we will see.

    1. I also found that "Donald J Trump" =49 and "LA Dodgers" =49. With Trump connecting to LA, I don't see them winning. We all know Trump is going down.

    2. "Donald J Trump" also =148 and "Cleveland Indians" =148. So Trump connecting to both the Dodgers and Indians, who should all lose to Clinton(33) and the Chicago Cubs(CC=33).

    3. all season long the red C's were winning everyday and when one c would lose they would all lose

    4. Dave Roberts was also drafted by Cleveland.

  5. Zack Jr Smith Just Signed A Contract For "57" Million & Another Thing Jordan Started His 3peat At The Age Of 31 In 1996 = Lebron 31 2016 Kobe Was Drafted In 1996 Everybody Say He Was The Next Jordan & In 2016 Ben Simmons Was Drafted & He Pose To Be The Next Lebron I Can Go On & On, I Really Think The Cavs 3peat The 3 Highest Degrees In Masonry Is 31 32 & 33 Lebron Just Won 1 That The Age Of 31 & His 13th Season

  6. Zack Jr Smith Just Signed A Contract For "57" Million & Another Thing Jordan Started His 3peat At The Age Of 31 In 1996 = Lebron 31 2016 Kobe Was Drafted In 1996 Everybody Say He Was The Next Jordan & In 2016 Ben Simmons Was Drafted & He Pose To Be The Next Lebron I Can Go On & On, I Really Think The Cavs 3peat The 3 Highest Degrees In Masonry Is 31 32 & 33 Lebron Just Won 1 That The Age Of 31 & His 13th Season

  7. Redox finally won a few years ago.
    The Cubs and Indians Are The other so called sad sports stories.
    I think it's more likely Cleveland goes further than Chicago.
    If baseball loses the Cubs or Cleveland hard luck narrative, mostly Cubs,they lose a lot on stupid stuff for people to focus on. It's no fun for a writer if he can't grip people with a sad story.
    Cleveland has had joy from Ohio State and the Cavaliers. The Indians can lose,it's no big deal.
    You should ask yourself; why is Cleveland, San Fran and Toronto getting to go deep into playoffs in multiple sports at the same time?

  8. Did anyone catch at the end of that Cubs game, when the cubs catcher said something to his pitcher? If I was a better lip reader it looked like ge said "you were supposed to get that out."

  9. He could be retiring now to satisfy some numerological coincidences or common sense says he's retiring because he's getting...old. Its unusual for an 88 year old to still be working. For God's sake you're using a country that didn't even exist when he was born as evidence? Besides you claimed the Mets would win the World Series last year...and they didn't. Don't think I'll bet my life savings on your predictions anytime soon.


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