Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 6, 2016

33 41 42 58 74 84 96 99 | The death of Owen Hart in Kansas City, MO, May 23, 1999, (Pay-Per-View "Over the Edge")

5/15/1999 = 5+15+19+99 = 138 (Speed of Saturn, 138+831 = 969)
5/15/1999 = 5+15+(1+9+9+9) = 48 (Illuminati = 48) (Evil)
5/15/1999 = 5+1+5+1+9+9+9 = 39 (Old Testament)
5/15/99 = 5+15+99 = 119

Last night on the radio show someone asked me about the death of Owen Heart, the former WWF / WWE wrestler, who fell during a PPV stunt, while the lights were down, May 23, 1999.  If he died, it was the right day of the week for a sacrifice to the nation, a Sunday.

Let us not forget the Jesuits / Catholic Church are responsible for our Gregorian Calendar.

His name and date of birth have the Freemasonry connections.

58 = 5+8 = 13

His name has connections to '13', like his date of death.  'Kansas City' has the same connection.

Kansas City = 2+1+5+1+1+1+3+9+2+7 = 32/41/50/59

His date of death, May 23, or 5/23, also has a connection to '13'.  '523' is also the 99th prime number.

5/1/1776 = 5+1+17+76 = 99 (Date of establishment of Bavarian Illuminati, 13 families)

Let us decode his birth and death numerology.

5/7/1965 = 5+7+19+65 = 96 (Freemason)
5/7/1965 = 5+7+1+9+6+5 = 33 (Sixteen) (Dead 16-days after his birthday)
5/7/65 = 5+7+65 = 77 (Power)

Read about Vince McMahon and '33' '96':

He died 16-days after his 34th birthday.

He was from Calgary, Canada

He died on that very special May 23, 1999 date.

5/23/1999 = 5+23+19+99 = 146 (Power Outage) (Jesus Christ)
5/23/1999 = 5+23+(1+9+9+9) = 56 (Light) (***The lights were out.....)
5/23/1999 = 5+2+3+1+9+9+9 = 38 (Death) (Killing)

Regard the May 23 death, recall what we have learned about 23/5 and 235.  Also, remember these articles about Christopher Columbus and Budweiser from May 23 this year, 2016?

The stadium was darkened for the opening ceremony at the time of his fall that lead to his death.

The date he died was fitting in numerology in terms.

The even was Pay-Per-View, 'Over the Edge'.

Over the Edge = 78 (V-Exception)
*His fatal fall was 78-feet, reportedly (Records spin @ 78 RPMs)

The word 'kill' has Jewish Gematria of '59'.

Kill = 10+9+20+20 = 59

Notice that no one saw the incident because of what was being show on the TV, and because the arena was darkened.  Again, the perfect circumstances to either purposefully kill someone, or have the injury faked.

Also notice he was taken to Truman Medical Center, most likely named after the 33rd President, Harry S. Truman.

The name Truman Medical Center connects to 'sacrifice'.

If 'Heart' were spelled as you would expect, his name would also sum to '46'.

His place of birth connects to 46 as well.

Kansas City, Missouri also has 'Freemason' connections in name gematria.

As does 'Missouri' alone.

Kansas City also connects to Freemason.

Freemason = 122 (Francis Bacon)
Elohim = 122 (Jewish)

Kansas City = 2+1+5+1+1+1+3+9+2+7 = 32/41/50/59

Kansas City is a really interesting name in numbers.

KC also has initials of '11' and '3', or 11 3, something like '113'.

He was born 5/7, May 7.


  1. Nice zach
    Here's my little post I did on Kevin Owens who's named after Owen hart, and his son as well

  2. Lady gaga is playing a character where she is a goddess and has her cult is doing human sacrifices on the people on their land on American horror story 6.

  3. It's funny then when you see people say that they saw the fall. I guess you can liken it to those that "saw planes hit" on 9/11, and "knew someone" who died at Sandy Hook.

    1. Yes, people love to be a part of the "story", not realizing the story is a "lie".

  4. At the time he was playing a character called

    The Blue Blazer=137(Washington DC), 822(228 flipped)

    The Blue Blazer was an All American Masked Wrestler clad in stars and stripes.

    1. Too true. He was supposed to fight

      The Godfather=117, 702

      Before he fell

      Seventy Eight Feet=195, 1170

      Seventy Eight Foot Fall=1722J

      And he broke his neck when he hit the

      Ringpost=118, 708(78)

      His PayPerView debut was 10 years earlier on my 10th birthday, 11-24-88 or 123.

  5. I'm a little confused? Isn't his name Owen HART? Not Heart?

    This was a Ritual Sacrifice - not just for the WWE, but also for Bret "Hitman" Hart who is Owens Brother, & went on to become the greatest wrestler of Owens generation.

    Owen =57, & was born 5/7.

    Owen James Hart =152. WWF Sacrifice =125. There's alot more here then meets the eye.

    1. That is a good catch! I just spelled it the normal way without noticing. Game changer!

    2. I always felt like there was some realism to the whole Bret/Vince thing. Even now, he still talks trash about anything and everything WWE. He's surely a sellout like the rest, especially if Owen was his sacrifice for fame, but you can just tell that he's a miserable person over the business that he's been involved with all his life. Like he wants to say shit so bad, but just bashes the company and doesn't go too far with it because he knows the price if he talks. I don't think Vince even cares because people would just rationalize it as Bret being senile, which fans already do say.

  6. Excellent work Zach. Since we are on the topic of wwe, I would like to do a brief decode of Chris Benoit's double murder suicide. I will keep it brief since there is a ton of coding in his death.

    Chris Benoit = 59
    Kill = 59
    Slave = 59

    Date of his death: June 24, 2007
    6+24+20+07 = 57
    6+24+07 = 37
    6+24+2+7 = 39 (39 books of the old testament)
    6+2+4+2+0+0+7 = 21 twenty one = 42/141
    Freemason = 42 Death = 114 reflected

    He placed bibles alongside his wife, son, and a third on the weight machine.
    Three bibles = 51
    Conspiracy = 51
    Three = 56 which is like 59
    Chris Benoit = 59
    Kill = 59

    The motive behind his actions were apparently the result of Brain damage

    Brain damage = 48
    Evil = 48
    Illuminati = 48
    Hoax = 48
    Propaganda = 48

  7. The video of this event on PPV is apparently banned and no one can access it on the Internet. It's frequently on compilations for "Shocking" or "banned" footage on yt for things that no one can see. Another on the list is apparently a news lady who blew her brains out in the middle of her broadcast back in the 70s or 80s. Makes the coverup of it being a fake or the crime that much easier.

    1. There is a movie called Christine coming out about that lady.

    2. Crazy. I feel like when the movie comes out, it's confirmation 100% that something was a hoax. Just like they rolled out 'The Fifth Estate' about Julian Assange and now 'Snowden' last month. You'll never see a movie about ZKH.

    3. Christine Chubbuck, born 8/24/44, died 7/15/74. Years of birth and death stand out right away.

      Christine Chubbuck = 95
      8+24+19+44 = 95

      Christine Chubbuck = 77 and 1056 (Always interesting when I see 9/11 related numbers)

      Christine = 105 (Zionism, Masonry) & 51, 60 (Conspiracy)
      Chubbuck = 71 (Seventy-one = 144) & 26 (Kill with k exception)

      From her 8/24/1973 bday to 7/15/74 was a span of 325 days (523, 235, etc). Also 46 weeks (sacrifice) and 10months 21 days (121, Revelation)

      8+24+73 = 105 (Christine)
      7+15+19+74 = 115 (Freemasons)
      7+15+1+9+7+4 = 43 (Massacre)(Network)(Suicide)
      7+1+5+1+9+7+4 = 34 (Murder)(Network)(Suicide)
      7+15+74 = 96 (Freemason)

      From 7/15/74 to what would have been her 30th birthday, 8/24/74, was a span of 5 weeks 5 days, or 1 month 9 days.

      Satan = 55
      Satan = 19

      It was also a span of 960 hours.

    4. She worked for 'TV 40'. Her posthumous birthday was also 40 days after her suicide.

    5. She killed herself because of depression and unrequited love. Also, she was apparently a 30 year old virgin. You are right about the movie coming out confirming the hoax, I feel that way too.

  8. Look up the famous Jeopardy guy Ken Jennings

    Born May 23, 1974
    He made 74 appearances on Jeopardy before finally losing
    KEN JENNINGS = 50/122

  9. Bret's career/stardam was at its peak before Owen passed, Bret was in WCW at the time of this where his run wanst that great and short lived, i believe this death was a freak accident, to each its own though

  10. Zach do some coding on John cena ,he is one of the biggest sellouts there is

    1. John Cena = 420 English Gematria (Freemason = 42)
      John Cena = 747 Jewish Gematria (74 & 47)

      John Felix Anthony Cena = 223 (Masonic, The Synagogue of Satan)

      John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr = 251 (54th prime; Sun = 54, Saturn/occult tie in)
      John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr = 107 (28th prime)

      Hefty = 28

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