Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

33 137 | The organic number matrix & when I fell off of my roof December 4, 2016

The Sunday before last, December 4, 2016, we had sunny skies here in Washington State and I thought I would take advantage of the weather to clean the gutters, an annual project due to all of the leaves that fall from the surrounding trees.  All was going well until I began to climb down the ladder after finishing removing all of the debris from the gutters.  When I put my first foot on the ladder, all felt secure, just as it was when I climbed up.  As soon as I put my second foot on the ladder, the whole thing went flying out from under me, catching me off guard, and sending me hurling towards the ground (I always put the ladder in the same spot when I go on my roof and it has never slipped before).  As I fell, I was able to momentarily grab the gutters, which slowed my pace of fall, but also bent them to shit.  Because the gutters bent back, my hold only lasted moments before I fell to the ground, landing square on my left side.  As soon as I landed, I felt an immediate sense of relief, because my face was staring right at the edge of the stone planting box, which my head had missed by inches.  Had my head collided with the box I might have some real problems to write about.  Or worse yet, I might not even be able to write about them.  I might even be a pile of ashes.

Anyhow, since the fall, I didn't think to look at how many days it was from my birthday to the incident until just now.  I had to grin when I saw it.

If you can 'believe' it, it was my 137th day of being 33-years old.

I'm grateful to not be a contestant for the 'Darwin' awards.

This most recent Sunday, "144-days from my birthday", I woke up to my girlfriend landing a pointy elbow right on my nose, due to having a night terror.  I'm hoping for a better Sunday this coming weekend.


  1. Reminds me of how there seem to always be so many "car crashes" out on the roads on days with 44 numerology.

    1. Right, my friend's girlfriend had that happen to her this year, the same day my sister was diagnosed with 'cancer'. And something I found out since then, my girlfriend's foster-mom had been in a relationship with a man, who fell down steep outdoor stairs and died, on that exact same date, which was June 2, 2016.

      Car Crash = 44; Kill = 44; Cancer = 44; Chemo = 44

    2. My brother in law's cousin got into a car crash.... she was in the hospital and passed away like a week later. what's interesting is she passed on 4/26......

      "Car Crash" = 426

  2. I've had online name "Destromatth" out of which I got "Dezy" later, i got the name from a video game character called Destromath but I added one T to it, and Destromatth = 44 (Destro-matth? as in destroy with math? And 3 months ago, I start a blog Killing NASA by the numbers :D.. Coincidence? Kill - 44? Kill with math?
    Destromath = 123/42, Dezy = 60/24, Conspiracy = 123 and 60 with the S exception

    1. Forgot to mention that I have this name for almost 10 years now

    2. That's very interesting! Life is strange.

  3. I used to be a roofer with my father and grandfather, so I know how dangerous roof and gutter work can be. If you don't have someone to hold the ladder while you go up, you should always tie the ladder to something with some rope.

  4. of all the roofs i've replaced working and inspected adjusting - we've never tied a ladder, not one time. get the base down pat by turning the feet towards and into the ground, don't use the "grip pads", they notoriously fail that way. gotta have the correct angle for it to stand in accordance with how high it is.

    1. I always make sure it is strong and stable going up. Same angle, same spot, I really don't know why it slipped on me this time. Next time I think I will anchor it just to be safe as the man above said.

    2. it makes sense if you're leaving the ladder in place. still, the bottom can travel if the top is secure and vice versa. really though, I've never used or seen a ladder tied off - it makes next to no sense. anchor in the middle is a good angular base of support but up top? to what, an 18 inch protruding bathroom vent pipe halfway across the slope? can't tie to the soffit/fascia/gutters/shingles.

      never once have I seen Mexicans tie a ladder, either, and they do some crazy shit on those steel stilts.

  5. I need video evidence, or get KD to clean them for you,.
    " With just 47 cents a day, help a child in need"

    RIP Alan Thicke

  6. Replies
    1. I think thats to you, so he can carve your soul slowly bro.

      Don't get too excited

  7. Sounds like a Home Improvement episode. Imagine if Wilson broke down gematria from behind the fence.

    1. Haha nice. Classic. What a dumb show.

    2. Home Improvement = 191/83, 101
      191 is 43rd prime, 83 is 23rd prime, 101 is 26th prime

      Ladder = 44, 26(101)
      accident = 59
      43 is 14th prime
      Dead = 14
      Kill = 44, 59

      God = 26
      23 is the 9th prime
      3*3 = 9

      ladder accident = 103 (27th prime)
      roof = 27

      Home Improvement analogy on point. Zach dodged a bullet.

    3. Oh shit.

      "The Gutter"=124
      This happened to Zach 12/4.

  8. I just looked up the date of the concussion I mentioned in my video and it happened when I was exactly 88 months, 11 days old, lol.

    My full name sums to 95/203, and I have 95/23/33/114 birth numerology. The 114 makes no sense until I realized:

    "One hundred fourteen" = 95.

    Yikes. Also, on 07/07/07 I had a heartbreak and I got all dark and satanic for a few months after that. I noticed the numbers at the time but looking back, I realized that was the day I let a LOT of demons back into my life.

    Crazy world we live in.

    1. When I was younger I was infatuated with a girl named Katie and then dated another one named Katie a few years later. The first was 784 days older than me, the second was 784 days younger.

    2. The first time I ever joined a party with a foreigner on Playstation Plus, it turned out he was Ecuadorian, and I heard their 7.8 earthquake happen live on the mic before he lost power. He was okay. I had just watched videos of the Japan earthquake/tsunami from 2011 earlier that day.

  9. You know you can hire gutter vacuums which clean them from the ground with a long extension...might be worth considering.

  10. I was born on October 3rd, 2000 in California.
    On May 4th 2004 I was in a tragic car accident
    Hey, I feel the same way about life

    1. Not to mention my real name sums to 122
      the end times: 122
      golden state: 122
      I was born at 7:32 pm

  11. Speaking of cancers. Called the local Tucson weather # yesterday b/c the spraying in Tucson was off the charts. These assholes are in total denial or they are protecting a pension and a paycheck. He asked me where's the proof. I said "cancers are up over 40% since the eighties. More kids have cancers and more of our dogs are getting cancers." There wasn't a fucking cloud in the sky yesterday. He tried telling me they were cirrus clouds.

    1. Hmm ... Maybe that weather guy was "speaking Gematria"?

      Cirrus Clouds = C C = 3 3 !! :D


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