Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Reader Contribution | Mike Chappell aka MChappell51, writer for Indianapolis Colts

Remember, the last game of the season, is January 1, 2017, 111-days after Andrew Luck's 27th birthday, September 12, 2016 (also a span of 112-days).

1/1/2017 = 1+1+20+17 = 39 (New York = 39/111/666)

And again, this is the season of Super Bowl 51.


  1. My God, it just never ends lol. The Cubs, Cavs, and Broncos had connections and clues, but I'd wager to say not half of what the Colts have had. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I'll be shocked if the Colts are eliminated.

    1. I feel the same way. Just in the last few days I've found so many more connections to the Colts and Andrew Luck, it's getting ridiculous.

    2. I agree guys, same finding so much its almost becoming a joke.

  2. Mike Chappel Compared Colts to Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Indians in the lost Sunday against Houston

  3. Alan thicker father of growing pains show dead at 69.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. They're not saying Colts

    It's CULTS !

    You're welcome, truth seekers

  6. In more NFL news..
    The Baltimore Ravens just released long time Bears punt returner, Devin Hester. Hester hold the NFL record of 20 return touchdowns: a record 14 on punts, five on kickoffs and one return of a missed field goal.
    -14 on punts? the opposite of 41
    Super Bowl=41; and the Colts won Super Bowl 41 where Prince last performed.
    -5 tds on kickoffs and 1 off of a blocked fg? like 51?

    His name Gematria is very coded as well.
    -Devin Hester = 57(ER) Fifty-seven = 131 Super Bowl = 131
    - Devin Devorris Hester Sr. in the English Reduction system equals 114; kind of like the inverse of 41.
    - His Birthday is on November 4, 1982.(age 34)
    The inverse of 34 is 43. Champion=43
    11/4/82; like 4/11..
    If you google his name it shows that his 40 yard dash time is 4.41 seconds. Another 41
    His height 5'11, like Super Bowl 51.
    He also wore the #14 for the Baltimore Ravens.
    The total span of days from 11/4 to today is 5 weeks and 5 days, like 55.
    The span of days from his birthday, 11/4, to 2/5 is 3 months 2 days or a total span of 3 months and 3 days, like 33.

    Hester was drafted in the 2nd round of the 2006 NFL Draft. The 2006 draft was on April 29, 2006 at Radio City Music Hall, in New York City, New York.
    From 4/29 - 2/5 is 4 weeks and 3 days, like 43.
    Wikileaks says that 22 defensive ends were selected in this draft. One of them being the first player selected, Mario Williams. He was drafted by the Houston Texans.
    Radio City Music Hall= 202

    When I went to go to see what number he got drafted, I noticed someone else who was in the news recently. D'Qwell Jackson, the recently suspended Colts player was also drafted in the second round of the 2006 draft. D'Qwell Jackson went in the 2nd round at #34 (Devin Hester's current age) to the Cleveland Browns while Devin Hester went in the 2nd round at #57 to the Chicago Bears.. lol

    257 is the 55th prime

    1. I forgot to mention, it says the Ravens gave Hester a one-year deal on September 4, like 9/4 or 4/9.
      The span of days from 9/4 - 2/5 is 5 months and 2 days (like 52) or 22 weeks and 1 day or a total span of 5 months and 3 days (like 53, the 16th prime) or a 22 weeks 2 days (like 222).

      Alos, on another interesting note. I just saw an article on ESPN that mentions Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys.
      "Jerry on QB switch: 'You'll know it when you see it'"
      You'll know it when you see it = 112,121 (s exception)
      The Dallas Cowboys currently hold a record of 11-2.

      Jerry Jones went on a radio station, 105.3, in Dallas and made a reference to the 1964 ruling on pornography when asked for a scenario of when Tony Romo would play.
      From 1964-2016 is 52 years.

    2. Sorry, I meant to say from 4/29 - 2/5 is 40 weeks and 3 days not 4 weeks and 3 days.

    3. In that Super Bowl with the Colts, Hester returned the first kick back for a TD. I expect the Colts to sign him before Sunday. Let's see.......

    4. Also, Devin Hester was in Super Bowl 41 his rookie year on the Bears. You may recall he was pretty much the only reason the Bears won games that year (see Rex Grossman.....yikes). He returned the opening kickoff for a TD, the only time that's happened in the Super Bowl (as far as I know; it was the first time it was done at the very least).

    5. I just watched a youtube video of it. Right after Hester scores, the announcer says "14 seconds into it."

    6. I just watched the highlight again myself. It was a 92 yard kick return. This year is the New York Giants' 92nd season. Hester even returned a missed FG against NY in the 2006 season, back when little Eli was still an INT throwing cry-baby lol

    7. I referenced that he has 14-punt returns for touchdowns and 1 off a missed field goal. I didn't even think to check who it was

      Good find.

  7. Zach, I think I cracked exactly why the Colts lost to the Texans last week. When I looked at the Colts franchise record prior to the game, it was 500-439-7. Logically I thought, OK, 501 over the 'Houston Texans', hosts of Super Bowl 51 (Houston Texans = 51). But this is even crazier:

    Right now, the Colts are 500-440-7. They got their 440th loss against the team hosting the Super Bowl on a date with '44' numerology.

    If Luck and the Colts win 7 in a row, including the Super Bowl, their record will be 507-440-7. It literally spells out what happened if you read it backwards.

    They won their '7'th in a row, on a date with '44'0 numerology, in the Super Bowl '507' (57). How perfect!

    1. Super Bowl = 131
      Fifty seven = 131

      You know the drill

    2. Scratch that last part, their playoff record is separate from the all time record. So at the end of the regular season, the record will be 503-440-7. 53 is the 16th prime. Not quite as exciting, I know.

    3. This is interesting though...Right now, including playoffs, the Colts are 522-463-7.

      463 is the 90th prime
      Ninety = 522 in English Gematria

    4. Vikings will beat the Colts Sunday. Colts will get 502 wins with two more wins. The superbowl is played on 2/5. Even if it's not scripted for Colts to go all the way, the NFL does not want Assweiler to be in the playoffs. I'm thinking Houston will choke last three games so week 17 the headline will go, "Houston we have a problem" going into the playoffs leading into Houston superbowl. Colts get into playoffs with 8-8 trump record. I'm hearing lots of Colts being mentioned in Patriots sport talk lately. Deflategate ii, former Colts Griff Whalen who botched a big special teams play against the Patriots, and lots of random references like Belicheck mentioning Bert Scott former Colts QB.

      Yesterday there was a caller that said, "it seems to me that the NFL doesn't want many blowouts this year so they're making mistakes to make it look like it's closer to keep the ratings up so the losing team fans will still want to watch. Then the talkhost mocked and said, what you think Matthew Slater and Cyrus Jones are in on a conspiracy??" And the players told Cyrus to get out of there quickly so he didn't have to talk to the media.

    5. No colts will beat vikings

  8. Replies
    1. gargle these nuts you ballchinian

    2. Gary we know that's you stop trying to hide it

  9. Matt CoreyDecember 13, 2016 at 8:52 PM

    Also, Devin Hester was in Super Bowl 41 his rookie year on the Bears. You may recall he was pretty much the only reason the Bears won games that year (see Rex Grossman.....yikes). He returned the opening kickoff for a TD, the only time that's happened in the Super Bowl (as far as I know; it was the first time it was done at the very least).
    that season, I remember my hints that something wasnt right.. I wouldnt think anything odd for 8 years but I remember watching a Bears game at a friends house...Grossman broke from the pocket and ran to the far sideline, no one was that close to him and he looked like he angled his head towards the behind endzone( not the one they were driving towards) or towards the sideline he was near ...he barely gathered himself, didnt even look down field at all for an open guy it seemed..and just chucked it deep to a receiver not covered even though the play took a while..and he seemed to fumble a snap every other game..that whole year,it was like; how the hell are they winning? but that play always stuck in my head like it was just dumb luck or odd. But The SB came and the nation only cared for Manning to win. It was assumed...but it was also the Rooney rule Bowl..lets show the world two black coaches so they shut up for a while.
    But the black coach that got to winn was the lighter skinned one with the white player the nation loved.

    1. and that reminds me of Devin Howard with the Packers lol another thing I saw but never processed as something entirely wrong..his kick return for a TD in the SB. early part of the run, a Patriot got near him and met DHs thigh with his forarm but Devin never flinched,never acted like he had to avoid the impact. He ran like nothing was there. Look back that now tells me its because he knew it was just +ok, this is where I run for a TD.they always showboat way too early for someone who's supposed to be worried about keeping a job when they score

    2. @Ram
      You were correct. The Cowboys loss and raiders loss and colts loss created controversy the last 3 weeks. You called that one!

  10. Giants need a kick returner or did all of you forget Odell was back there and they can't risk that.
    Patriots also can use a KR, the bama kid screwed up Twice MNF helped Ravens comeback.

    1. They have former Colts player Griff Whelan to do kick returns now for Patriots

    2. I wonder why the rookie was back there I guess introduce him to the rigging? Lol Giants or Colts it is.

    3. Hester #14
      Whalen #14

      This shit is just unbelievable, flies right over the sheeple.

    4. Dennis great find .. Whalen stats are hilarious.

  11. Who is the guy in the photo? Mike chappell is a white guy

    1. What you hiding Gary? For you to be on so much...are you trying to secretly tell us your a Colts Boy too?


    Real article

  13. Patriots, Cowboys , Seattle , raiders, KC , Pitt
    Best odds to win

    Giants 35-1
    Colts 50-1
    Vikings 125-1 lol 😭

    That colts sure is glaring

  14. The Herschel Walker trade, aka the "'Trade that made the Cowboys Dynasty"', was the largest player trade in the history of the National Football League. It involved 18 players and draft picks. The trade was made on October 12, 1989, between the Dallas Cowboys and the Minnesota Vikings.

  15. 30 after Luck was Born

    Last player in the trade was drafted by philly in round 1 pick 13th 1993 to the Houston Oilers.
    Career span 93-05 o 2005 like 2/5 or 5/2 lol

    I can actually see why you guys are so excited about the Colts in the SB.

  16. 10/12/89 this could be 112 and 17

    Playing with the numbers

    1. Your making yourself dumber by YOUR numbers lol.

      It is pretty sad how much time you go to be on here Troll.

  17. I'm starting to think, if Colts lose, its gonna be Patriots vs Cowboys/Giants with Brady sealing the Patriots legacy up and him going out with one more ring, in a "non-cheating" season. Going down as "GOAT". I mean, the NFL wants to make money, and those matchups in the SB would generate a lot of money. Then again, so would a Colts team that flies under the radar and "upsets" 3 teams in the playoffs. Everyone loves an underdog, and I can't help but think about everyone's emotion and faces when the Cavs won that game 7. I was at work when it happened and the whole restaurant was glued to the tv's and their faces said everything.."wow, that was amazing". Everyone was talking about their comeback. These are people who think its all real btw. So whatever is gonna get the ratings and generate cash is what's gonna happen. Hopefully they go with the script we've unlocked, because I want to see us all have another win. Its all about the drama and storyline...its just an ongoing tv drama series at the end of the day.

    Sorry but I felt like ranting. I feel in my gut something dealing with Patriots. Problem is, soooo much work is showing Colts and I keep finding more and more everyday. Then you have Michigan going down to Ohio state...Brady connects to Michigan and Luck connects to Ohio State, gematria wise. So we shall see...

  18. Week 15 picks:
    Straight bets
    KC -5 lay the points
    PIT -3
    Parlay all ML
    CLE *they will end there 13 game losing streak
    Any combination you wanna do
    4 teams will be 7777
    BTW GIANTS WILL END LIONS 5 game winning streak.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. How can texans and jags both won?

    4. Look at my stuff. Hou is 7-6 I said they will be 7-7 after Sunday. The date numerology 66 like Jacksonville jaguars=66. And a 2-11 record more like 112. They are the start to help COLTS get it. They will fall 7-9. Back in 97 that's the year Houston oilers became Tennessee titans

  19. During the course of his career, Luck has dominated the AFC South, going 17-2 within the division. Without being able to stomp over these teams, they are doomed to not only lose the division, but miss the playoffs as well. Against the rest of the league Luck has gone 18-18 and has struggled against playoff teams not named the Broncos and Texans.

  20. They've lost to Broncos once and Texans twice!

    Let's see the 7 game miracle.
    Majority here said 12 win season
    Then 10-6
    Then 9-7
    Next 8-8

    This has to be the biggest comeback ever. Kudos if you're right. If your wrong NO BIG DEAL!

    Cavs were a championship team so we're the Cubs during their comebacks both were #1, #2 seeds not that hard to imagine.

    Eli's run of 10-11 games with 6TD and 0 picks when they defeated Brady was anchored by that defense and #27 trucking over everyone.
    Besides that catch by Manningham!
    Let's see what the Football Gods have in store

  21. I just realized Notre Dame is in Indiana...lots of Irish Immigrants... Luck of the Irish.. You could say he has a beard like a hipster or the Fighting Irish mascot.. I'm surprised they havent referred to him as Andy Luck yet..more of a 1950s all american kinda name lol..He's the Larry Bird of the nfl sort of

  22. richard sherman said poopfest

    "poopfest" in the English Reduction system equals 40, which reduces to 4

    "poopfest" in the English Sumerian system equals 672, which reduces to 15, which reduces to 6

    "poopfest" in the English Ordinal system equals 112, which reduces to 4

    "poopfest" in the English Gematria system equals 571, which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4

  23. @Ram

    Do your remember tebows "Friar Tuck" hair cut?
    Rookie hazing 2010.

    Tebow wore #15 for the Horse team
    Tebow was drafted 25th
    You probably do not watch college football but
    Tebow was concussed vs UK by #91
    Kentucky wears similar colors to the Colts
    Kentucky derby horses
    Indianapolis 500 ( horse power)
    Andrew luck sounds like Friar Tuck
    Andrew luck looks Amish not Irish lol
    I saw the top of lucks head there's no hair there it now looks like tebows hazing picture.


    Stats from that game ... Unreal

  25. I also researched the alum from Lucks h.s...


    Stand-up comedian icon Bill Hicks attended Stratford.[24]

    Former New England Patriots running back and ESPN sports commentator, Craig James.[26]

    Author, marketing executive, and United Flight 93 September 11, 2001 victim, Lauren Grandcolas (née Catuzzi) was a graduate of Stratford.[28][29]

    Former star quarterback for the University of Houston and Cincinnati Bengals David Klingler

    1. Two more alum

      Trump Model Katie Moore

      Comedian Scott Kennedy who died
      On 3/14/13

  26. Craig James and Eric Dickerson

    SMU Pony express!

  27. Eric Dickerson was not allowed recently to attend Rams games I think because of Fisher

    Must do more research

  28. Correction he was #94 like 49

    He wore Joker face paint and was recruited
    By Joker Phillips.

    The QB on that UK team was current Packers WR Randall Cobb

  29. @Ram

    Do your remember tebows "Friar Tuck" hair cut?
    Rookie hazing 2010.

    Tebow wore #15 for the Horse team
    Tebow was drafted 25th
    You probably do not watch college football but
    Tebow was concussed vs UK by #91
    Kentucky wears similar colors to the Colts
    Kentucky derby horses
    Indianapolis 500 ( horse power)
    Andrew luck sounds like Friar Tuck
    Andrew luck looks Amish not Irish lol
    I saw the top of lucks head there's no hair there it now looks like tebows hazing picture.
    yes I remember the concussion..its when Istill thought it was I know he is probably gay aside from not Christian at all


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