Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

118 | San Francisco incorporated April 15, 1850, 118-days before August 11

We've learned that 118 is an important number and August 11 is an important date in the history of San Francisco.  Go figure they city was incorporated April 15, 118-days before August 11.


  1. I don't know if you saw my comment months ago but the same day Trump was at the Wailing Wall and we had the Manchester Bombing, May 22, 2017, which is 811 days before 8/11/19, we had a Google Doodle of Native Activist Richard Oakes who was born May 22, 1942. Oakes is known for being a lead in the Alcatraz occupation by natives beginning in 1969. I think the Google Doodle was giving a clue, you even have a post for that on this blog for that day.
    From May 22/17 to April 15/19 = 693 days, or 99 weeks.
    Victor Hugo, author of Hunchback of Notre Dame died on May 22, 1885, (born February 26, 1802)

    1. May 22 the 142 day leaving 223 days
      August 22 the 223 day leaving 142 days
      as discussed before, just a reminder

  2. Zach, The Dotre Dame Cathedral is also called The Forest.
    The Forest 44/46... Kill and sacrifice


  4. "Count from Incorporated Date [San Francisco]"==415 < What Day?
    "Disaster Hundred Eighteen Total Days Later"=====415
    "Mega-Disasters Date [Sunday August Eleventh]"==415
    "April Fifteenth Disaster Symbols"===============415 K

    "Mega Disaster Day"=======181 K <<< How Many Days Away?
    "Tesla Technology"========181 O <<< 42nd Prime
    "Earthquake Weapon"=======181

    "Major Disaster Expected Date [August Eleventh]"===444, 609
    "Coming Agenda to Citizens of the United States"===444, 609



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