Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dan Behrendt | The April 15, 2019 fire at Notre Dame & Tisha B'Av, August 11, 2019

Dan the man!


  1. Incredible work!! Thanks for posting this ... it's a fantastic breakdown! :D ;D

  2. Disney Hellfire = 227 ro ... stumbled across this excellent breakdown of the Disney movie "Hunchback of Notre Dame" & it's song "Hellfire" -- no doubt there is much hidden within ...
    :D ;D

  3. Modern Day Book Burning = 227 eo
    "This will kill that" = 227 ro (same as "Disney Hellfire")
    The quote is from Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris" (the original title of "Hunchback"), & refers to the arrival of the printing press heralding the demise of great, symbolic architecture -- statements made in stone so that they could not easily be altered.
    He explains that with each "repair" & (so-called) "improvement", the Notre Dame Cathedral lost many, many significant features -- & that it was done on purpose.
    There is symmetry in this with Modern Censorship-- aka "Book Burning" ... & the rapid global push to Dumb Down the populace.

    Victor Hugo died at age "83" on 5/22/1885 ... "83" was recently seen with the 83 yr old sick Dalai Lama, Julian Assange story, & others ...

    ** Skim down to the section on "Architecture" ...

    Notre Dame de Paris = 94 rr
    Symbolic Architecture = 94 red
    Hunchback of Notre Dame = 353 ro ... 353 = 72nd prime number ...
    In Judaism there are "72 Names of God" hidden within the 3 verses of Exodus 19-21.
    :D ;D

  4. yawn yawn yawn
    dan behrendt = 289 jewish - 17x17


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