Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

48 54 68 218 251 322 | Donald Trump says 'I am the Chosen One' in response to US-China trade war, August 21, 2019

These remarks were made regarding the 'trade war' with China, August 21, 2019.

251, 54th prime
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54 (Jesuit's logo)


I am the Chosen One = 71 / 73 / 154 / 241

Today's date has 68 and 48 numerology as well.

8/21/2019 = 8+21+20+19 = 68

8/21/19 = 8+21+19 = 48

Keep in mind, today is 68-days after Trump's birthday.

This news comes on August 21, 2019, or 21/8, like 218.

Today would have been Trump's uncle's 112th birthday:

And don't forget Trump's 2:18 EST alert by phone, October 3, 2018.

From October 3 to today is 322-days later.


  1. Trade war= 54. Who gets traded before deadline in nfl?

  2. September 13 is in my opinion, the date really interesting to watch.
    The Bavarian Illuminati=139

    On CNBC's Youtube channel, there's a video of David Rubenstein talking about recession which was 13 minutes,9 seconds long.
    Notice his birthdate, august 11.
    "Tisha b'av" and "House of cards" symbolism there?
    Exactly 45 weeks from House of cards last season release date

    Donald Trump=138
    On 13/9 it's 1038 days from his 9/11 Victory date.
    September thirteenth=1380 (Sumerian)

    Trump has been the president exactly 138 weeks
    Or 966 days.
    The presidental alert=966 (Reverse satanic)

    Mike Pence would be 60 years, 99 days old
    He and her wife ofc born 888 days apart.
    Illuminati is 88888 days old.
    Trump released his book 888 weeks before the inauguration.

    2 years, 23 days from Steven Mnuchin's Fort knox visit.
    100 days to his birthday, Dollar=100

    10900 days from 9/11 date when the Berlin wall fell.
    September 13 leaves 109 days left of the year.

    18 years, 3 days from 9/11.
    Order out of chaos=183
    "World trade collapse" symbolism?

    10 years, 11 months, 28 days from last recession
    1128= 47th triangular number
    Wilbur Ross 11/28 birthdate ofc i mentioned that earlier too.

    22 weeks, 3 days from David Malpass becoming World bank CEO
    27 weeks, 1 day from his birthday. 271, the 58th prime.

  3. "I am the Chosen One" = 444 J
    "CIA Black Operation" = 444
    "Hitler's Brain" = 444

    "Two Eighteen PM Symbol" = 911
    "Two Thoousand Eighteen" = 911
    "World Jewish Congress" = 911
    "Coded Protocol System" = 911
    "Symbol of Freemasonry" = 911

    "Date & Time [Two One Eight]" = 218 <<< at 2:18 PM ?

    "U.S. Market Crash Coming" = 218 <<<

    "I am the Chosen One" = 73, 154
    "Begin Market Crash" = 73, 154
    "Ritual Sacrifice" = 154
    "Denver Broncos" = 154
    "Anal Bleeding" = 154

    1. Thsts all wonderful but esoteric. Your specific point would be what necessarily?
      What is 444J?

    2. 'CIA Black Operation' & 'Hitler's Brain' are both Illuminati Card Game Cards.

      "Use Illuminati Cards" = 911

      Obviously 911 speaks for itself...plenty of definition there to work with.

      "Three Four's" = 135, 135 <<< Gematriot
      "Signal Number" = 135
      "The Key of David" = 135

      "Gematriot Code" = 444
      "Signal a Deception" = 444

      "Three Four's Agenda Signal Code" = 911
      "Make America great Again Operations" = 911
      "Mind Control Operations" = 911
      "Freemasonic Symbol" = 911

      Do you believe the phrase "I am the Chosen One," was selected because he really said it on his own, or because it makes 444 Jewish Gematria. To me, the answer is Obvious.

    3. Well, unless it's on video...even that's bullshit now anyway

  4. "Fraternity of Freemasons" = 322(Reverse Ordinal)
    "The MYSTERIES" = 322(Franc Baconis)
    "It's Lonely At The Top" = 223(Reverse Ordinal)
    "One Nation, Under The Zionist Jews" = 223(Reverse Full Reduction EP)

    "It's Lonely At The Top" = 88(Reverse Full Reduction)
    "Blood Of The Innocent" = 88(Full Reduction)

    "Satanic Brotherhood" = 68(Chaldean)
    "The MYSTERIES" = 68(Reverse Full Reduction)

    "Satanic Brotherhood of Freemasons" = 218(Reverse Full Reduction EP)
    "Jewish Mysticism" = 218(KFW Kabbalah)

    "The Satanic Brotherhood of Freemasonry" = 251(Reverse Full Reduction EP)

    "The Poor Goyim" = 54(Chaldean)

    "Ancient Religious Mysteries" = 154(Reverse Full Reduction)

    "One Nation, Under The Zionists" = 333(English Ordinal)


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