Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 18, 2019

41 43 82 105 107 115 149 159 | Ryan Costello, Minnesota Twins prospect, dead November 18, 2019 +Washington Nationals World Series & Skull and Bones

Recall, the World Series was a Skull and Bones ritual (322), won by the Nationals over the Astros, a series we had pinned because we saw the Skull and Bones rituals throughout the season, starting April 20, long before the postseason began.

Now we have a 23-year-old baseball player dead on the 322nd day of the year, November 18.

Read about the Nationals 149-322 ritual on September 27, 2019:

Notice, the day leaves 43-days in the year, and this comes after the 115th World Series.

Notice he was a prospect for the Minnesota Twins, who were once the Washington Senators, the last team to play in a baseball championship in Washington D.C.

*1:39 AM; Freemasonry = 139; The Bavarian Illuminati = 139

He has died 19-days after the Nationals won the World Series, October 30.

Notice how Tuatara connects.

Recall, the Nationals won their 105th game of the season to win the World Series.

He was from Wethersfield, CT, not far from New Haven, CT, the home of Yale's Skull and Bones.

Recall the Nationals threw 159 pitches in Game 7, and the Rockets beat the Wizards the day of Game 7, 159-158.

Read about the NBA-MLB ritual of 159 the day of Game 7:


  1. "A World Series we pinned down"

    So, um, where is the proof that you "called" this World Series? Nowhere to be found on this blog, that's for sure.

    1. All over my Patreon. Many people won many thousands.

    2. LOL, Hubbard you are such a FRAUD. The only evidence you claim to have (assuming it even exists) you charge people money for?! I CALL BS.

    3. You had Cardinals, Yankees, never once mentioned Nationals..nodody is going to bet more than 5 bucks on your picks because they're garbage and they'd be broke. You also steal others comments and claim as your own. We've got you pegged Hubbard.

  2. Hi, hope you&yours are doing well. You raised this topic--Jesus or Yeshua--recently, so: ;also:
    God bless you&yours always in Jesus' Name, Amen!


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