Tuesday, November 10, 2015

106 | 106 Bikers Indicted In Waco Shootout, the 137th Day of the Year

May 17th, the 137th day of the year.  Ripe for a 'federal' bust.

Remember, 137 is the 33rd Prime number.  Also, you must know the following.

Washington DC = 137 (SEG)
Federal = 33 (Pythagorean)

This also connects to the term 'outlaw biker'.
Shootout has interesting Gematria too.

Shootout = 19+8+15+15+20+15+21+20 = 133.
Government = 7+15+22+5+18+14+13+5+14+20 = 133
White House = 23+8+9+20+5+8+15+21+19+5 = 133

One last thing, notice that May 17 leaves 228 days in the year.

United = 21+14+9+20+5+4 = 73
States = 19+20+1+20+5+19 = 84
of = 15+6 = 21
America = 1+13+5+18+9+3+1 = 50
United States of America = 228

Also, let us not forget, it took place in 'Waco'.

Waco = 23+1+3+15 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42


  1. "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" seems less of a parlour game and more of a Masonic in-joke:

    "Kevin Bacon" in the English Ordinal system equals 96

    "Kevin Bacon" in the English Sumerian system equals 576

    "Kevin Bacon" in the English Reduction system equals 42

    "Kevin Bacon" in the English Gematria system equals 600

    Quite freemasonic those 42 and 96 numbers!
    Quite a sixy guy otherwise.

    Also, there seems to be some nominative determinism in there:
    As an actor, Kevin Bacon is a bit of a ham and looks a bit like a pig.
    But this is reconciled by the fact that he's quite a capable actor and has always been a good-looking guy.

    1. Forgot to post:
      "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" in the English Reduction system equals 106

  2. I clicked on the Daily Telegraph's coverage of the latest international cricket match between Pakistan and England:
    - first thing I see is a one-eyed Hawk-Eye logo:
    "Hawk-Eye " in the English Reduction system equals 33
    The Daily Telegraph commentator is the Jewish-sounding Ben Bloom:
    "ben bloom" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    "Eoin Morgan returns to lead his side in the first one-day international against Pakistan in Abu Dhabi"

    On 11/11:
    "Eoin Morgan" in the English Ordinal system equals 111
    "Eoin Morgan" in the English Sumerian system equals 666


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