Friday, November 20, 2015

33 88 96 105 222 | Brussels On High Alert Headlines

Some gematria from those headlines...

Series and Imminent sums to 96 and 105 with the s-exceptions.  The Gematria of 222 also stands out, a number quite relevant to the attacks.

Let us not forget that Belgium is '33' land.

Belgium = 2+5+3+7+9+3+4 = 33

When did the victim total jump from 129 to 130?


  1. Plus 7 terrorists to give us a saucy 137 just like the hostages in Mali.

  2. Off topic, but even though I'm not a creationist I thought I'd have a look at Darwins numbers.

    Couldn't find anything interesting in the date of publication of the origin of species, but the date of the Beagle mission was.
    27 December 1831 = 27+12+18+31=88
    to 2 October 1836 = 2+10+18+36=66
    Is god associated with 888? So perhaps represents a Journey from God to a world without God?
    "Origin of Species"=88 as well
    Darwin = 69, 33
    Beagle= 32, 23
    Darwin was 18 months at sea (6+6+6), and 3 years 3months on land (33).
    Evolution=133,43, Creationist=133, 52
    Creation=126, 54 incorporating the god number
    Whatever the truth, this event was coded.

    1. I've been a firm atheist for all my adult life.
      But I think we need to examine and expose Darwinism and the theory of evolution.

    2. I guess there are two ways of looking at this, and neither of them are the official version of events, as there would be no purpose to code the events dates before Darwin made his big reveal if Darwins story was 100% true. Either the establishment had existing knowledge of evolution, either from previous centuries research, which they held back, or older knowledge which they built upon, and then released through Darwin the mouthpiece, or God did create the species. Really there is no other explanation available.

      There has to be a starting point for life.

    3. See my work on Darwin. Like Einstein, he died on a date with a '33' numerology. Darwin's whole backstory is by the numbers, education and on. His greatest influence was a 'Fox'... Fox... 666...

  3. 63
    Nazi holocaust documents found: 6300 files discovered behind wall of Budapest apartment

    Couple renovating their flat in Hungary find huge trove of documents from a 1944 Nazi census hidden behind a wall

    1. Also check out the 4000 Roman coins, weighing in at a convenient 33 pounds, supposedly found in Switzerland. There is a code somewhere in that story, perhaps where the next "attack" will happen, you never know


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