Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 16, 2017

54 86 218 | Omar Mateen's wife (Orlando shooter's wife), arrested, January 16, 2017 for connections to June 12, 2016 shooting

This news comes 218-days after the June 12, 2016 shooting, or a span of 219-days.

Today's date numerology is the same as that of the shooting.

6/12/2016 = 6+12+20+16 = 54
1/16/2017 = 1+16+20+17 = 54

At the time of the shooting, this shot was shown of the wife, again and again, wearing the #86, a number that connects to '54'.

Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

Notice the name of the FBI spokesperson, Prentice Danner.

Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74; Occult = 74

In the days after the shooting, there were headlines about the wife denying she knew about the plans for the attack:



  2. Paragraph 6 -- on Lines 14 & 15 -- the wife was "COMPLICIT" because she knew her husband was ...


    They're referring to "PRE-EMPTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT" --

    Which was enacted in the UK 3 years ago.

    It's the build-up to the acceptance of "Minority Report" law enforcement.
    (WITHOUT the "aid" of clairvoyant Pre-Cogs floating in vats of goo.)

    Instead of: "If you see something, say something" ...

    It's being Upgraded to: "You SHOULD'VE said something ..."

    Soon it will be:

    "Say something -- OR ELSE ... We're coming for YOU!"

    1. Reminds me if minority report. Pre-Crime. Precognitive Police. Thought-Crime. Right back to 1984. And Nazi Germany. And The French Revolution. Also...thin the herh. I am hitting you because I love you. I learned it from watching you, Dad!!!

    2. You nailed it! Now I understand why it's so hard to get those who were kids in the '80's to see what's wrong with this ...

      They were *PRE*-Conditioned with the DARE Program!!

    3. Hey, I resemble that remark. Luckily, I have been anti-authority since the womb.

    4. Haha ... oops! Sorry bout that ;D

      Funny you say you came out that way.
      So did I ... & Zach ... & several others.

      "Born That Way" might explain why we never so much "woke up" but instead finally got the confirmation we were looking for.

      Which helped us find other minds like ours.

      Aw hell -- maybe WE are the Pre-Cogs -- minus the VAT!

    5. Yet we're on YouTube , that the Zionist control and use these forums to study and modify behavioral conditions. We have not found ANY truth ! Just snake butting its tail
      The wheels on the bus go round and round

  3. the 'crime scene' in this 'shooting' was cleaned up in 8 hours
    8 hours!!
    it should have taken weeks if it actually happened
    and in that photo of the guy with red shows, those people are carrying him BACK to the club.....there is a Youtube on it...

    1. Good call!

      Those RED SHOES really DO stand out -- deliberately.

      "THE RED SHOES" is a creepy "FAIRY" tale (more "gay humor") by Hans CHRISTIAN Andersen tale about a vain girl & her Red Shoes that Keep Dancing -- even after she insists that her Feet Be Chopped Off!

      "THE RED SHOES" = (J) - 445 .. (E) - 756 ..
      (Pyth/Simple) - 126 / *54* / 9

      With S-EXCEPTION = *72* .. 72 x 3 = 216
      (3, 72 & 216 have special,combined significance in Judaism)


      The Red ** SHOES ** ... & ... The Red ** SOCKS ** --
      BOTH equal -- 445 -- in Jewish Gematria

      SHOES -- & -- SOCKS ... Sum the Same = 243 / 9

      (Jewish) 445 is the sum for other "current news" --

      ELON MUSK (the SpaceX rocket)
      PUBLISHING (Trump's advisor -- Crowley quits)
      OPIATE ADDICTION (lately in the news everyday)

      And (J) 445 also "fits" with the fairy tale's theme:


  4. It fits that "The Pulse" would pop back up.

    Remember your 1/11/17 post: "Montagraph knows Gematria ..."?

    In his bizarre video he pointedly -- & repeatedly -- showed the "dashboard" radio ... reading ... "94.7".

    There is a 94.7 channel that calls itself: "THE PULSE".

  5. Why is Bill Gates portrayed as world's richest man in that made up forbes list? Yes, he is futhering elite's agenda in various areas, but there's another reason.
    Why the name bill gates?

    Gates = silver and gold gates = the two poles = +- = + and - inside the two loops of eight (+)(-) = the two nodes = the two access points = the ON and OFF...

    ... Of the BATTERY we live in.

    What Bill Gates is doing with his computer related stuff,
    is literally billing the gates, the + and - , of the battery, making its charge and discharge (your traffic to it and its traffic to you) go ON and OFF in an orderly fashion.

    He is BILLING (and controlling) the GATES' TRAFFIC; traffic of charging and discharging the battery we live in.
    Making you pay the toll for using his road infra, regulating, controlling the traffic rules.

    When you use a device, you are using his (and others') GATEWAY or INTERFACE to access the gates for charging and discharging in an orderly fashion. It is modulating your traffic into a well managed traffic flow, like in electical grid for feeding into the grid and taking from it, like adding a regulating process controller layer on top of your being.

    Think computer/programming terminology and what the terms mean.

    That's why the person selected as figure head (process control engineer) to represent this massive battery charging control & maintenace system is called bill gates.


    1. The so-called "Tech Titans" Bill Gates & Jeff Bezos are backing as the primary investors of a company called "Illumina". This newly formed company will address the so-called war on cancer research theory. Gates/Bezos have become major players/investors in the biotech industry and in 2019 this company will introduce a "Blood" test called an all-in-one liquid biopsy. This company (Illumina) disguised/masked as medical research, cancer cure, biotech innovation, is really about the depopulation/eugenics movement.

    2. Thanks, did not know about that company.
      Yes, he is heavily into eugenics.

  6. I’m Victoria Schultz from New-York United States I never believed in Blank ATM card until i got one from Mr MACK ATM hackers. I lost my job few months back after my divorce with my Husband. I tried everything positive to make sure i take good care of my kids but all trial fails, and i was in debts which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me stay with her for some days while i figure out how to get a home which she agreed, but no one was willing to help anymore,One afternoon i was going through some articles on the INTERNET, where i came across a comment about a man who got a blank card worth $8,000 I doubted this easy magic and wonder where the money is coming from, i never took it serious thus so i ignored the comment, along the line i came across another comment of a lady on You-tube who got thew card as well from the same hackers, so i copied the email address: (CYBERHACKERS01@OUTLOOK.COM). I contacted them and few hours later i got a response and i was told that the blank ATM cards are for sale that i need to purchase one before it can be delivered to me, so i sold my computer and wire the money for the card and to my greatest surprise i received a call from the courier here in Alabama three days later that i have a parcel to pick up, i rushed down and picked up my parcel and without hesitation i went straight to the ATM machine and i made a withdrawal of $8,000 Usd at once and today i have purchased a new home and set up a new business. If you wish to seek for this blank card, kindly contact the email below: (CYBERHACKERS01@OUTLOOK.COM) I believe he can help you with the card and god bless you Mr Wilson for your goodness and please remember he just wanna help the poor citizen.

  7. Never go low on cash again with blank atm cards, my Husband and I were living on pennies until he stumbled upon an affiliate who sells blank atms card, we initially felt it was a scam initially but then sent an email, and in less than 4 days we received our card and up till now we have spent almost $40,000 for an item we got for less than $800. Email to place an order, its legit, discreet and unimpeachable. I'm unsure why I'm posting this,i just felt my story should be heard, again email and unburden yourself.


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