Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 14, 2017

47 54 61 89 106 191 213 | Eric Bolling fired by Fox News, then his son dies

So, Eric Bolling was let go by Fox News, then his son died right after...


Again, this is why the whole nation believes "coincidence" is the way of this world.  The media presents it this way all the time.  "Coincidence theorist programming".

E = 5; C = 3; B = 2

Look at this motherfucker.  He is born March 2, the 61st day of the year, and he is from the Zionist Mecca, Chicago.

Jesus = 61; Cross = 61; Christian = 61; Christmas = 61; Church = 61; God = 61

Remember when the PBS news anchor bit it out of nowhere at 61?  Gwen?

How about John Saunders of ESPN right before the FINALSFinals = 61

This year it was Stephen A, Smith's mother at 61, just before the FINALS.

Janet Smith = 61 (Her name)

The name Eric Bolling also connects to 'Fox News' and 'authority'.

47 degrees on the Freemason compasses.

Even better, his name connects to the Society of Jesus.

Remember the Bill O'Reilly "firing" ritual, the same day he was with the Jesuit Pope, Francis?

Eric Bolling was let go September 8, the Virgin Mary's birthday.  That date also pairs nicely with his age of 54-years-old.

Notice September 8 is the 251st day of the year, which is the 54th prime.  This year it was also a date with '54' numerology.

9/8/2017 = 9+8+20+17 = 54

Mary, the mother of God's Son. God's Son = 93; Nazareth = 93; Crucifix = 93; Sun 93m mi.

Don't forget the deaths of Don Williams and Troy Gentry on September 8, both with the '54' connecitons.

The date September 8 is most commonly written 8/9, like 89.

The Gospel, the story of Jesus, the 'son',  Son = 74 (FB); Jesus = 74; Jesus Christ = 74
... is 89 chapters long.

In the reporting from the Daily News on September 11, they show a picture of the father and son on Easter Weekend.... to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

September 11 is New Year's Day of the Coptic Calendar.  NYC, 74th Meridian....

Some contend 9/11 is Jesus Christ's real birthday.... think about it.

New Testament = 159
Resurrection = 159
Scottish Rite = 159

For the record, my mother's birthday is September 8.  The day I was born, still the record coldest temperature, -89 Celsius.  That was July 21, 1983.

19 letters.  Born 19:19 (7:19 PM), July 21, 1983.

Like father like son.  Born 94-days after father, 49-days before mother.

With regards to the son dying at age 19, 19 and 89 connect to Adam.

Adam lives to be 930.

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