Wednesday, August 6, 2014

42 51 | Knowledge, UFOs and Area-51 of New Mexico

The Number 51 is a number that stands out in researching numerology and Gematria.  It can be made when 17 is multiplied by three; it should be noted that 17 is the Gematria of God when reduced with the Pythagorean Method, as is Zeus.  When most people in the United States think of the 51, they will likely think of Area-51 in New Mexico, which is associated with the UFO crash of 1947.  What most people are unaware of is that New Mexico is the 47th State, much like the '47 crash.  You might say this is forbidden knowledge and the purpose of this post is to focus on the Gematria of the word 'knowledge'.
  • Knowledge = 2+5+6+5+3+5+4+7+5 = 42
  • 42 is the "meaning of life" number
  • Knowledge = 11+5+6+5+3+5+4+7+5 = 51
    • 3 x 17 = 51
    • God = 7+6+4 = 17
    • Zeus = 8+5+3+1 = 17
  • New Mexico is the 47th State
    • '47 UFO Crash
    • UFO = 21+6+15 = 42
  • New = 5+5+5 = 15
  • Think of the 555-foot tall Washington Monument
  • Think of the 5-side, 5-floored Pentagon
  • Mexico = 4+5+6+9+3+6 = 33
The first element on the periodic table is 'Hydrogen'.
  • Hydrogen = 8+7+4+9+6+7+5+5 = 51
Think about that for a second.  If you are going so what, let me tell you so what.  The 33rd element on the period table is 'arsenic' which has an atomic number of 33 and atomic weight of 74.  In Gematria and other places, the numbers 33, 47 and 74 are often paired together.
  • Arsenic = 1+9+1+5+5+9+3 = 33
The point is, none of this is a coincidence.  Also, look at the numbers above that have come up; 15 for New; 33 for Mexico; 42 for UFO; 42 and 51 for Knowledge.  What all those numbers have in common in numerology is they all equate to "six".
  • 15 = 1+5 = 6
  • 24 = 2+4 = 6
  • 33 = 3+3 = 6
  • 42 = 4+2 = 6
  • 51 = 5+5 = 6
In American History, these numbers and their relevance are best shown through the Kennedy family.
To wrap this up, well... I hope you have some new "knowledge".

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