Saturday, April 4, 2015

111 | MLB Gematria for the Year of the 111th World Series (NY's Year?)

*Following Teams Decoded with Pythagorean Gematria and 'S' Exceptions (K&V Exceptions Neglected)
American League East
Baltimore = 2+1+3+2+9+4+6+9+5 = 41
Orioles = 6+9+9+6+3+5+1 = 39/48
Baltimore Orioles = 80/89
New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
Yankees = 7+1+5+2+5+5+1 = 26/35/44
New York Yankees = 65/74/83
Toronto = 2+6+9+6+5+2+6 = 36
Blue Jays = 2+3+3+5+1+1+7+1 = 23/32
Toronto Blue Jays = 59/68
Tampa Bay = 2+1+4+7+1+2+1+7 = 25
Devil Rays = 4+5+4+9+3+9+1+7+1 = 43/52
Tampa Bay Devil Rays = 68/77
Boston = 2+6+1+2+6+5 = 22/31
Red Sox = 9+5+4+1+6+6 = 31/40
Boston Red Sox = 53/62/71
American League Central
Detroit = 4+5+2+9+6+9+2 = 37
Tigers = 2+9+7+5+9+1 = 33/42
Detroit Tigers = 70/79
Kansas City = 2+1+5+1+1+1+3+9+2+7 = 32/50
Royals = 9+6+7+1+3+1 = 27/36
Kansas City Royals = 59/86
Cleveland = 3+3+5+4+5+3+1+5+4 = 33
Indians = 9+5+4+9+1+5+1 = 34/43
Cleveland Indians = 67/76
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+6 = 37
White Sox = 5+8+9+2+5+1+6+6 = 42/51
Chicago White Sox = 79/88
Minnesota = 4+9+5+5+5+1+6+2+1 = 38/47
Twins = 2+5+9+5+1 = 22/31
Minnesota Twins = 60/78
American League West
Los Angeles = 3+6+1+1+5+7+5+3+5+1 = 37//55
Angels = 1+5+7+5+3+1 = 22/31
Los Angeles Angels = 59/86
Oakland = 6+1+2+3+1+5+4 = 22
Athletics = 1+2+8+3+5+2+9+3+1 = 34/43
Oakland Athletics = 56/65
Seattle = 1+5+1+2+2+3+5 = 19/28
Mariners = 4+1+9+9+5+5+9+1 = 43/52
Seattle Mariners = 62/80
Houston = 8+6+3+1+2+6+5 = 31/40
Astros = 1+1+2+9+6+1 = 20/38
Houston Astros = 51/78
Texas = 2+5+6+1+1 = 15/24
Rangers = 9+1+5+7+5+9+1 = 37/46
Texas Rangers = 52/70
National League East
Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58
Nationals = 5+1+2+9+6+5+1+3+1 = 33/42
Washington Nationals = 82/100
Atlanta = 1+2+3+1+5+2+1 = 15
Braves = 2+9+1+4+5+1 = 22/31
Atlanta Braves = 37/46
New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39
Mets = 4+5+2+1 = 12/21
New York Mets = 51/60
Miami = 4+9+1+4+9 = 27
Marlins = 4+1+9+3+9+5+1 = 32/41
Miami Marlins = 59/68
Philadelphia = 7+8+9+3+1+4+5+3+7+8+9+1 = 65
Phillies = 7+8+9+3+3+9+5+1 = 45/54
Philadelphia Phillies = 110/119
National League East
Saint Louis = 1+1+9+5+2+3+6+3+9+1 = 40/49/58
St. Louis = 1+2+3+6+3+9+1 = 25/34/43
Cardinals = 3+1+9+4+9+5+1+3+1 = 36/45
Saint Louis Cardinals = 76/94/103
St. Louis Cardinals = 61/79/88
Pittsburgh = 7+9+2+2+1+2+3+9+7+8 = 50/59
Pirates = 7+9+9+1+2+5+1 = 34/43
Pittsburgh Pirates = 84/102
Milwaukee = 4+9+3+5+1+3+2+5+5 = 37
Brewers = 2+9+5+5+5+9+1 = 36/45
Milwaukee Brewers = 73/82
Cincinnati = 3+9+5+3+9+5+5+1+2+9 = 51
Reds = 9+5+4+1 = 19/28
Cincinnati Reds = 70/79
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+6 = 37
Cubs = 3+3+2+1 = 9/18
Chicago Cubs = 46/55
National League West
Los Angeles = 3+6+1+1+5+7+5+3+5+1 = 37//55
Dodgers = 4+6+4+7+5+9+1 = 36/45
Los Angeles Dodgers = 73/100
San Francisco = 1+1+5+6+9+1+5+3+9+1+3+6 = 50/68
Giants = 7+9+1+5+2+1 = 25/34
San Francisco Giants = 75/102
San Diego = 1+1+5+4+9+5+7+6 = 38/47
Padres = 7+1+4+9+5+1 = 27/36
San Diego Padres = 65/83
Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38
Rockies = 9+6+3+2+9+5+1 = 35/44
Colorado Rockies = 73/82
Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39
Diamondbacks = 4+9+1+4+6+5+4+2+1+3+2+1 = 42/51
Arizona Diamondbacks = 81/90

*Following Teams Decoded with Simple English Gematria
American League East
Baltimore = 2+1+12+20+9+13+15+18+5 = 95
Orioles = 15+18+9+15+12+5+19 = 93
Baltimore Orioles = 188
New York = 14+5+23+25+15+18+11 = 111
Yankees = 25+1+14+11+5+5+19 = 80
New York Yankees = 191
Toronto = 20+15+18+15+14+20+15 = 117
Blue Jays = 2+12+21+5+10+1+25+19 = 95
Toronto Blue Jays = 212
Tampa Bay = 20+1+13+16+1+2+1+25 = 79
Devil Rays = 4+5+22+9+12+18+1+25+19 = 115
Tampa Bay Devil Rays = 194
Boston = 2+15+19+20+15+14 = 85
Red Sox = 18+5+4+19+15+24 = 85
Boston Red Sox = 170
American League Central
Detroit = 4+5+20+18+15+9+20 = 91
Tigers = 20+9+7+5+18+19 = 78
Detroit Tigers = 169
Kansas City = 11+1+14+19+1+19+3+9+20+25 = 122
Royals = 18+15+25+1+12+19 = 90
Kansas City Royals = 212
Cleveland = 3+12+5+22+5+12+1+14+4 = 78
Indians = 9+14+4+9+1+14+19 = 70
Cleveland Indians = 148
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46
White Sox = 23+8+9+20+5+19+15+24 = 123
Chicago White Sox = 169
Minnesota = 13+9+14+14+5+19+15+20+1 = 110
Twins = 20+23+9+14+19 = 85
Minnesota Twins = 195
American League West
Los Angeles = 12+15+19+1+14+7+5+12+5+19 = 109
Angels = 1+14+7+5+12+19 = 58
Los Angeles Angels = 167
Oakland = 15+1+11+12+1+14+4 = 58
Athletics = 1+20+8+12+5+20+9+3+19 = 97
Oakland Athletics = 155
Seattle = 19+5+1+20+20+12+5 = 82
Mariners = 13+1+18+9+14+5+18+19 = 97
Seattle Mariners = 179
Houston = 8+15+21+19+20+15+14 = 112
Astros = 1+19+20+18+15+19 = 92
Houston Astros = 204
Texas = 20+5+24+1+19 = 69
Rangers = 18+1+14+7+5+18+19 = 82
Texas Rangers = 151
National League East
Washington = 23+1+19+8+9+14+7+20+15+14 = 130
Nationals = 14+1+20+9+15+14+1+12+19 = 105
Washington Nationals = 235
Atlanta = 1+20+12+1+14+20+1 = 69
Braves = 2+18+1+22+5+19 = 67
Atlanta Braves = 136
New York = 14+5+23+25+15+18+11 = 111
Mets = 13+5+20+19 = 57
New York Mets = 168
Miami = 13+9+1+13+9 = 45
Marlins = 13+1+18+12+9+14+19 = 86
Miami Marlins = 131
Philadelphia = 16+8+9+12+1+4+5+12+16+8+9+1 = 101
Phillies = 16+8+9+12+12+9+5+19 = 90
Philadelphia Phillies = 191
National League East
Saint Louis = 19+1+9+14+20+12+15+21+9+19 = 129
St. Louis = 19+20+12+15+21+9+19 = 115
Cardinals = 3+1+9+4+9+5+1+3+1 = 3+1+18+4+9+14+1+12+19 = 81
Saint Louis Cardinals = 210
St. Louis Cardinals = 196
Pittsburgh = 16+9+20+20+19+2+21+18+7+8 = 140
Pirates = 16+9+18+1+20+5+19 = 88
Pittsburgh Pirates = 228
Milwaukee = 13+9+12+23+1+21+11+5+5 = 100
Brewers = 2+18+5+23+5+18+19 = 90
Milwaukee Brewers = 190
Cincinnati = 3+9+14+3+9+14+14+1+20+9 = 96
Reds = 18+5+4+19 = 46
Cincinnati Reds = 142
Chicago = 3+8+9+3+1+7+15 = 46
Cubs = 3+21+2+19 = 45
Chicago Cubs = 91
National League West
Los Angeles = 12+15+19+1+14+7+5+12+5+19 = 109
Dodgers = 4+15+4+7+5+18+19 = 72
Los Angeles Dodgers = 181
San Francisco = 19+1+14+6+18+1+14+3+9+19+3+15 = 122
Giants = 7+9+1+14+20+19 = 70
San Francisco Giants = 192
San Diego = 19+1+14+4+9+5+7+15 = 74
Padres = 16+1+4+18+5+19 = 63
San Diego Padres = 137
Colorado = 3+15+12+15+18+1+4+15 = 83
Rockies = 18+15+3+11+9+5+19 = 80
Colorado Rockies = 163
Arizona = 1+18+9+26+15+14+1 = 84
Diamondbacks = 4+9+1+13+15+14+4+2+1+3+11+19 = 96
Arizona Diamondbacks = 180

These teams are part of the MLB, the league centered around '9'.

  • MLB = 4+3+2 = 9
  • MLB = 13+12+2 = 27 = 2+7 = 9
  • Yankees Lead MLB With 27 World Series Wins
  • Notice MLB = 27

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