Friday, May 15, 2015

33 47 74 79 87 93 | Super 8, a Numerological Spectacle (Philadelphia Connections)

Super 8, set in '79. (Super = 79)
  • Super = 19+21+16+5+18 = 79
    • Super + 8 = 87
  • Super = 1+3+7+5+9 = 25
    • Super + 8 = 33
Did you catch how the word 'super' has a Gematria of '79?  The film is set in Ohio, the 17th State, a number with a numerology of 8 (1+7 = 8).  Further, it is set in the fictional town of 'Lillian'.
  • Lillian = 3+9+3+3+9+1+5 = 33
    • It is set 22-miles west of Wright-Patterson Airforce Base)
Ohio and JJ Abrams have something in common.
  • Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47
  • JJ Abrams = 10+10+1+2+18+1+13+19 = 74
And Steven Spielberg has a lot in common with the recent Philadelphia Crash and its over abundant 'Thelema Coding'.
  • Spielberg = 19+16+9+5+12+2+5+18+7 = 93

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