Friday, November 7, 2014

28 | Barack Hussein Obama's Life Number

Barack Hussein Obama was born August 4, 1961, at least so the story goes.  He is currently 53-years old, a very prominent number, especially with 53 Republicans now in the Senate.  His life number is "28", a common number for elites and world leaders.  Let us see what the significance of 28 is in numerology, gematria and the real world.


  1. So I just found some very interesting numbers realizing I'd never calculated titles for the man taking his "juniorness" into account.
    Starting with the most telling:
    Barack Junior=123/51.
    Barack Jr.=64/28(the chapter in the bible mentioning the fallen angels mixing with humans is Genesis 6:4. Barack Hussein Obama=64 [fallen angel=44]
    & then there's his life number 28.)
    Barack II=36.
    Barack Obama II=86.(Cyrus=86.)
    Barack Obama Junior=155.
    Barack Obama Jr.=96/42.
    Barack Obama The Second=161/71.
    Barack Hussein Obama II=181/82.
    Barack Hussein Obama Jr.=191/74.
    As for the year he was born I think it's extremely significant & here's why:
    1961 is all about revolution/duality.
    It is a perfect yin/yang symbol & if you give it a revolution of 180° (60+60+60) it is still 1961.
    & of course if someone rotated it when your back was turned you'd have no way of knowing if it was 180° or 360° (60+60+60+60+60+60).
    It's not the only year ever to do this, (we've had 1881, 1691, 986, etc.) But this is the last year that will EVER do this again until the year 6009. & from what I see, this earth ain't gonna make it anywhere close to that year. So 1961 could well be the last one we get. If you add up 1+9+6+1=17 > 8. 8 is another important symbol. 8 is the perfect infinity looping around & the full system coming together contained in the one symbol of endless continual motion. Like O. Both of these represent all things coming together, full cycle, full circle. (Like his life number 28 being a complete solar cycle. O is his symbol, the sun inside it.) Both of these are all over Barack Obama. They are basically even his initials, B-O, elected in '0-8.

  2. Speaking of solar cycles (Solar Cycle=113), the Sun is at the center of all incarnations of the Mystery Religions, from Apollo for Romans to Kinich Ahau for Mayans to Ra for Egyptians, if the sun ain't THE top god, he's right up there among the top 5. You'll see this all over all over culture from the walls of Mexican restaraunts to the lyrics of songs across the spectrum. RZA from Wu-Tang Clan in the song Wu World Order:"The Sun at the center of this..." ODB of Wu-Tang was also known as Osiris, who in Egyptian myth died & became one with Ra, before returning in the form of his son Horus. What did ODB/Osiris sing in one of his big hits? "Oh Baby I like it Ra! Oh baby I like it RAAAAA!" hahaha & one of the most pushed Beatles songs (& that's saying something) is Here Comes The Sun. Just a couple songs later on that same album is Sun King:"Here comes the sun king...Everybody's happy...Everybody's laughing...Everybody's smiling..." they supposedly wrote it about Louis the Fourteenth of France, called the Sun King, but it looks like programming for something else. & either Obama is programming for the same thing, or he Is the thing.
    Barack Hussein Obama=64.
    Beatles music was first played on a New York radio station January 1964. The famous (& fake) "thousands of screaming fans" that supposedly greeted them when they first came to America was on 2.7.64. If there weren't enough Obama connections with all the 64s, remember this was at the freshly renamed JFK airport. (& probably the thing that helped solidify that renaming.)
    & again this was February 7th 1964.
    Beatles also had a shitty song called "When I'm Sixty-Four".
    Kinich Ahau=49>13>4.
    When Magical Mystery Tour was released, (think magical mystery religions with animal-headed gods like the Beatles wore animal heads for the album cover & in the movie) the Rolling Stone review of the album was nothing but a quote from John Lennon:"There are only about 100 people in the world who understand our music." With due respect to the shadow government & since Paul, John & George are dead (in that order) I think I might be one of the current hundred.
    This is interesting though:
    Sun King=95>14.
    Louis Fourteen=180/63.
    Louis The Fourteenth=88.(8 squared is 64)
    Louis XIV=131.
    "Le Roi Soleil"=131.
    That's French for Sun King. What are the odds? Anyway. The phone I'm typing this on just popped up saying "164 MB RAM Feed"

  3. Back to a very interesting symbol from Barack's birth year 1961.
    Disney's 101 Dalmatians.
    Disney's all about bloodline shit.
    (The breed came from: Croatia=31.)
    One Hundred and One Dalmatians=255/111. (3 1s)
    I thought about this movie immediately when I found that ASSASSIN=101. Sure enough, the correlating symbols abound. The woman who wrote the book said she wrote it hoping Disney would make a movie out of it. Well dreams come true quick when you throw the right shadow. The cartoon came out January 25th, & 1.25 reduces to 8 just like 1961. The Masonic duality is obvious in the type of dog, which is black & white. Cruella de Vil's hair is blatant as well, splitting half black/half white right down the middle. If you didn't think that necessarily means Obama, of course not. BUT keep reading. Dalmatians for some reason are known to be popularly used as firedogs that help firemen at fire departments. Besides all the hellish fire,
    Barack Hussein Obama=64.
    Or firehouse dogs.
    Firehouse dog=69.
    Perfect for a black/white duality symbol in a movie by Freemasons. Here from wikudpædia are some supposed traits with numbers correlating as well:
    Female weight:36–53 lbs<<(Barack=36. He's 53yrs old)
    Male height:(53–66 cm)<<(Obama's age)
    Female:(46–64 cm)<<(64 his full name)
    Litter size:6–9 puppies<<<<<(6/9 duality).
    One of Cruella's 2 henchmen is Horace Badun, ("Horus Bad'un") a name as childishly obvious as her own. We live now in the Aeon of Horus, written of by Aleister Crowley in LIBER AL LEGIS:The Book of The Law, passed to him by an angel messenger of the Egyptian Horus.
    Horace Badun=47.
    Obama rides in a presidential limo called "the Beast" playful..
    In the bible, "the Beast" figure is called the Son of Perdition. The mother of the dalmatian litter in this movie is named Perdita. Just another thinly veiled name a child could figure out. (If their heads weren't filled with BrainRinse™)
    The father is Pongo.
    Reduced, Pongo becomes 31 just like Disney, Dalmatians, etc.
    Perdita=73/37. (both code for 777)
    de Vil=52/25.
    Cruella de Vil=124>7.
    The movie's about the devil coming into the bloodlines & the indwelling of the beast.
    See, Cruella's name is devil, & she's got her eye on this specific family (& species) of dogs that she wants to turn into a fur coat, so she can wear their skin. Get it? It's extremely simple, these simple symbols just give it away.
    I haven't heard of many movies about the spawn of Satan made BEFORE 1961. But AFTER 1961 we got Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, etc. The 60s kicked off all kinds of 22 shit. The latest demonchild movie I heard of was in 2014: Devil's Due. (As in pregnant women asking each other "When are you due?") There was another DD movie I seen recently called Due Date with Zach Galifianakis & Robert Downey Jr.
    Robert Downey=164.
    Robert Junior=66.
    I want to point out Galifianakis has 114, 969, & 119 coded into it. The name Downey has NWO coded backwards &
    ROBERT DOWNEY JUNIOR can be rearranged
    "JOIN OUR NEW ORDER" with BYT leftover which can be bite, take the bait, or president, or "Beast".
    Funny thing about this one is-Wikdpedo says it's 95 minutes. (95>14)
    But IMDb says it's 1 hour 40 minutes. 5 minute difference, both contain 14. IMDb gives it a 6.6 rating.
    Devil's Due=101.


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