Friday, November 7, 2014

311 | November 7, It would be clear if they weren't spraying....

Today is November 7, the 311th day of the year.

This is twelve miles north of Seattle.  The sky would be completely blue today if it weren't for the spray.  It has been storming for days before today.  Notice also how these chemical trails make false rainbows in the sky...
  • Chemical = 3+8+5+13+9+3+1+12 = 54
  • Trails = 20+18+1+9+12+19 = 79
  • Chemical Trails = 133
The scariest part about these skies, is that no one I know wants to talk about them besides my own mother, her neighbor, and one other person I know.  It should be noted that my mother and her neighbor live in Portland, OR; 200 miles south approximately, where the spraying has been even more intense than up here in Seattle.


  1. I'm 40. When I was a kid there were no chemtrails. I remember an infinity of deep blue sky. I recall all kinds of natural clouds and looking at them trying to figure out if it looked like a lion or a dragon or whatever. Now the sky is a hot mess. It looks terribly unnatural and like you my wife and I find very few people that will talk about it.

    I mentioned to my parents about how the sky was so different as compared to the 80s and they both just seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. I believe people are so afraid of the truth that they simply lie to themselves about these things and they have had their sub conscience minds blinded and brainwashed by television and fear and the things of the world.

    You can bring truth to people but you cannot make them see it unless they have a love of the truth.

  2. I first noticed this spraying about 3.5 years ago. I had never seen it before, and back then I wasn't sure what I was seeing. Since then it has been like a boiling pot of water, undeniable, omnipresent. I notice even on television, when they show skies, their are chemical trails shown in the backgrounds. It is astonishing.

    1. Maybe the chemtrail spraying is harder to detect in Seattle or maybe they have increased the spraying in your area just over the past 4 years.

  3. There's a ton of chemtrail conditioning on TV shows, and even kids shows. Breaking bad is a good example. I remember asking my dad what the line in the sky was when I was 7 or 8.

    1. What did your dad tell you it was?

    2. He just said it was from the planes.

    3. Tara, I was just wondering. My daughter knows what it is since she was 8.

    4. After he told me that, I never paid attention to the sky again! I woke up last year and cannot believe I was so blind. The sky is a toxic mess. No idea how long it has been this bad, but the rings around the sun and the holographic looking clouds are frightening. I'm always taking pictures, I bet my neighbors think I'm nuts. :)

  4. It's a shame that something so obvious, is so invisible to most. I have made comments to friends recently and even took photos 5 minutes apart so that there was no denying what I was trying to show them and a couple people showed minor interest, but that was about it.

    We have had some cloud formations recently, that are so hokey looking, that they were almost identical to the ones in this classic clip from the Terminator.

    I truly do think there is a storm coming and it's not far off. Also of note in my area of Virginia are a sun that is in the far blue/ white spectrum vs a normal, yellow/ orange fall sun and the moon has been so bright lately that I have seen shadows of clouds on my front lawn as they pass by, after 10:00 in the evening.

    Whoever has the ability to manipulate such things, definitely doesn't have our best interests in mind.

    1. I agree. It's not just trails anymore. I've seen some strange things going on up there. Sometimes I wonder if anything is real anymore. Or, really what it appears to be.


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