Dakota Meyer, the friend of the fake hero in the Roseburg, OR shooting hoax, Chris Mintz, has the right name Gematria for being regarded as a 'hero'.
Dakota = 4+1+2+6+2+1 = 16
Meyer = 4+5+7+5+9 = 30
Dakota Meyer = 46
Hero = 8+5+18+15 = 46
Dakota = 4+1+11+15+20+1 = 52
Meyer = 13+5+25+5+18 = 66
Dakota Meyer = 118
Marine = 4+1+9+9+5+5 = 33
The New York Daily News has revealed that Chris Mintz, the actor agent in the Roseburg, OR shooting hoax, was is close friends with a man engaged to Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol Palin. This information reveals how he is connected to 'the gang' and likely reveals how he found a role in the Federal Government sponsored shooting hoax of October 1, 2015.
Also, I hate how they continue to refer to this false narrative of it being his son's birthday.
Birthday = 2+9+9+2+8+4+1+7 = 42
Roseburg = 9+6+1+5+2+3+9+7 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
Sarah = 1+1+9+1+8 = 20/29
Louise = 3+6+3+9+1+5 = 27/36
Palin = 7+1+3+9+5 = 25
Sarah Louise Palin = 72/81/90 (Ninety = 5+9+5+5+2+7 = 33)
SLP = 1+3+7 = 11/20
SLP = 19+12+16 = 47
Notice that Sarah was born on the 42nd day of the year.
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42/51
Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96
February = 6+5+2+9+3+1+9+7 = 42
February = 6+5+2+18+21+1+18+25 = 96
2/11/1964 = 2+1+1+1+9+6+4 = 24
2/11/1964 = 2+11+(1+9+6+4) = 33
2/11/1964 = 2+11+19+64 = 96
2/11/64 = 2+11+64 = 77
As for the daughter of Sarah, Bristol has some numbers herself. This is very typical for these celebrity, Masonic families.
Bristol = 2+9+9+1+2+6+3 = 32/41
Sheeran = 1+8+5+5+9+1+5 = 34/43
Marie = 4+1+9+9+5 = 28
Palin = 7+1+3+9+5 = 25
Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin = 119/128/137 (137 is the 33rd Prime Number)
Notice that Bristol was born in the only month with '33' Gematria.
October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
10/18/1990 = 1+0+1+8+1+9+9+0 = 29
10/18/1990 = 10+18+(1+9+9+0) = 47
10/18/1990 = 10+18+19+90 = 137 (137 is the 33rd Prime Number)
10/18/90 = 10+18+90 = 118
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