Sunday, October 25, 2015

44 59 77 106 113 144 254 311 | Reader Contribution, ZA Bhutto, Pakistani Leader, April 4, 1979

That date of April 4, 1979 is a good one.  Remember, Murder has an SEG (Simple English Gematria) of 79.

4/4/1979 = 4+4+19+79 = 106 (Prophecy = 106)
4/4/1979 = 4+4+(1+9+7+9) = 34 (Murder = 34)
4/4/1979 = 4+4+1+9+7+9 = 34 (9th Fibonacci Number, after 21, before 55)
4/4/79 = 4+4+79 = 87 (Justice = 87, Truth = 87)

Recall the following:

Kill = 44
Forty Four = 144
April Fourth = 144

The person who wrote this asked if it was good enough for the blog.  Ha!  This is one of the better posts now on the blog.  Congrats, Maestro!

1 comment:

  1. His daughter was murdered too.

    Benazir Bhutto

    Benazir Bhutto" in the English Reduction system equals 62
    Benazir Bhutto in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1097 966 161

    6+21+1+9+5+3=45 (life number)
    27 December 2007 (aged 54) Reflection of her life number..45/54

    "Iron Lady" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    The party was centre left but her economic policies were staright out of the Reagan/Thatcher/IMF playbook.
    Nothing left about it. I'm assuming that the "left" stood for social liberal policies.
    "Her party subsequently won the elections on a wave of sympathy generated by her assassination."

    I remember at the time she was Washington's canidate and they really wanted her to win.

    Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, died in a plane crash..
    Muhammad Zia Ul Haq in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1113 1014 169

    Benazir Bhutto became the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan on 2 December 1988.

    "However, in 1988, Benazir Bhutto was denied access to the country's classified national research institutes run under the army, which remained under the control of civilian President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and the Chief of Army Staff."

    Pakistan's a strange place. They have elected officials but the military runs the country under a separate system.


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