Tuesday, October 14, 2014

33 74 | Gay in the Vatican = "Pastoral Earthquake"

Examine the mainstream reporting above.  The phrase of "pastoral earthquake" is quite curious.  It makes one wonder how long these phrases are crafted before they're used and implemented.
  • Pastoral = 7+1+1+2+6+9+1+3 = 30
  • Earthquake = 5+1+9+2+8+8+3+1+2+5 = 44
  • Pastoral Earthquake = 30+44 = 74
Of course all this "ruckus" is over "gay".
  • Gay = 7+1+25 = 33
  • Homosexual = 8+15+13+15+19+5+24+21+1+12 = 133
  • Happy = 8+1+16+16+25 = 66
  • Queer = 17+21+5+5+18 = 66
  • Fags = 6+1+7+19 = 33
  • Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66

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