Sunday, October 12, 2014

First Transmitted Case of Ebola in United States Confirmed

So today it is reported that the first transmitted case of Ebola is confirmed.  In recent weeks I suspect that many more cases will be found in the Texas area and elsewhere that were not previously caught.  I think we're in the ground stages of building the panic for the 'outbreak'.

Also notice how CNN sought 'expert advise' from the head of Atlanta's Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  His name numerology is quite curious.
  • Tom = 2+6+4 = 12
  • Frieden = 6+9+9+5+4+5+5 = 43
  • Tom Frieden = 12+43 = 55
*At this time they are only disclosing that the nurse is 'female', no name has been given.
  • Female = 6+5+13+1+12+5 = 42

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