Thursday, June 4, 2015

155 666 | One Hundred Fifty Five, Slight Connection to '666'

Notice that 'One Hundred Fifty Five' sums to 216.  This number is interesting because it has a connection to '666', the infamous number from Revelation.  When you multiply six by six by six (6x6x6 = 216), you are left with '216'.  As I continue to say, the workings of Christianity (and Science), seems to be the workings of 'The Beast'.  Perhaps this Gematria coding is of no coincidence.

For further evidence, notice that words which has a 'Simple English Gematria of 36', will have an English Gematria of '216' because English Gematria is Simple English Gematria multiplied by six.
  • English Gematria = Simple English Gematria x 6
    • If Simple English Gematria = 36
    • Then English Gematria = 36x6 = 216
      • Barack = 2+1+18+1+3+11 = 36
      • Barack = 12+6+108+6+18+66 = 216
This is important because when you sum 1-36, you will total 666.

This is why I continue to assert that the English Alphabet is based on Gematria and is extremely Masonic.
  • English = 74 (Simple English)
  • Gematria = 74 (Simple English)
  • Masonic = 74 (Simple English)
  • Alphabetic Order = 74 (Pythagorean)
    • Alphabetic = 41
    • Order = 33

1 comment:

  1. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six".

    The reduced ordinal English Gematria if the above verse is "11" (King James only)
    1451>1+4+5+1 = 11

    NIV has a reduced English gematria value 1230 = (1+2)+3+0 = 33

    Barack Obama's date of Birth reduces to "11"...0+8+0+4+1+9+6+4 = 29>2+9=11.

    Barack Obama read Psalm 46 at the Twin Tower 10 year commemoration ceremony. Psalm 46 is also the 666th chapter from the last chapter in Revelation.


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