Thursday, June 4, 2015

46 64 322 | Ted Cruz Jokes About Biden, What's Next? John Kerry?

Notice the posting time 9:37... 9+37 = 46
That number will be central in this breakdown

CL = 33
Chad = 3+8+1+4 =16; Livengood = 3+9+4+5+5+7+6+6+4 = 49; Chad Livengood = 65
First, recall that Ted Cruz announced his Presidency on March 22, written 22/3 or 3/22, showing his allegiance to the 'community'.  Next, notice that Ted Cruz made his remarks about Biden, drawing controversy, in Michigan.
  • Michigan = 4+9+3+8+9+7+1+5 = 46
  • Michigan = 13+9+3+8+9+7+1+14 = 64
This is interesting because Joe Biden died at age 46 and Joe Biden, which rhymes with his deceased sun Beau Biden, sums to 64.
  • Joe = 10+15+5 = 30
  • Biden = 2+9+4+5+14 = 34
  • Joe Biden = 64
Joe Biden is the 47th Vice President.
  • President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47
  • Barack Hussein Obama = 2+1+9+1+3+2+8+3+1+1+5+9+5+6+2+1+4+1 = 64
Also, Joe Biden's son just died at age 46.

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