Wednesday, June 3, 2015 | What kind of website is this?

What is this website about?  I'm not sure about my name being on this list.


  1. You crossed the pond Zach. Nice work!

  2. Zach, Actually this site appears to be exposing truth and they have peoples names on a list like a reference. How they picked them I don't know but what's interesting is Serco and other "bad guys", even 60 minutes are on that list also. Is that just a cover?....I don't know but I did see the article referring to Serco on that website, a UK company. The article was about an escaped prisoner from one of their private prisons. My first impression is this is a site that is "watching the UK Govt" and not the other way around. I don't blame you Zach for your concern about your name on that list. I'm going to read more into this site and see what I can find.

  3. Zach, after looking at more articles the site appears legit in their attempts at exposing corruption with links to the sources. What interesting is on the list of names that you are on they even have names of men who are no longer with us like Eustice Mullins and Phil Schneider and have links to truth info both these gentlemen provided in the past. Eustice, a great conspiracy author and Schneider a USA government Geologist murdered in the late 90's for exposing the underground military bases. More and more this site looks legit and of course when one clicks on your name and scroll down there is a link to your videos. I'm pretty sure it's all good. Even the mainstream names on the list like Mark Zuckerberg are linked to a conspiracy story about being related to the Rockefellers.


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