Mach 7 is the 66th day of the year.
The plane disappeared on March 8, local time, at 1:19 hours.
March 8 is the 67th day of the year. 67 is a number that has become extremely important this year, 2015. March 8 is International Women's Day, and the word 'Female' has a Jewish Gematria of 67.
Notice that there were 239 people on the plane, including 227 passengers from 15 nations. 239 now corresponds with the much hyped date of September 23, 2015 and 227 has to do with cycles and circles, a number coded often. This year, Leonard Nimoy died on February 27, or 2/27, a date with a numerology corresponding to his name. And with regards to '15', we're now in the year '15.
- 2/27/2015 = 2+27+20+15 = 64
- 2/27/15 = 2+27+15 = 44 (The kill number)
- Leonard = 3+5+6+5+1+9+4 = 33
- Nimoy = 5+9+4+6+7 = 31
- Leonard Nimoy = 64
Moving on, notice the disappearance time of 1:21 from Air Traffic Controllers, coinciding with 'Revelation', just as '67' does above.
- Revelation = 49/67/121/726/1010
Next, notice, Flight 370 left range of Malaysian Military Radar as 2:22 (an important number in Lupercalia, the Philadelphia Train Crash, and the Pope's visit on September 23).
- From Lupercalia to September 23 is 222-days
- Amtrak = 222 (Jewish Gematria)
- Think of the Amtrak Philadelphia Train Crash
- Look at Revelation 3:7
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Key = 11+5+25 = 41 of = 15+6 = 21 David = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40 Key of David = 102 United States of America = 84/93/102/228 |
Flight 370 disappeared over the Andaman Sea.
- Andaman = 1+5+4+1+4+1+5 = 21
- Sea = 1+5+1 = 7/16
- Andaman Sea = 28/37
- Bible = 2+9+2+3+5 = 21
- Revelation 3:7?