Could be as simple as, its a divide and conquer topic, with and added population reduction. Of course, it would have implications in the breaking up of traditional familybstructure as well, which was the entire point of the "dead beat dad" Nazi child support enforcement push of the last 3 decades. To encourage women to breed, and let the state raise them and their kids. Much like the feminist movmebt was a govt. Backed operation, to get kids in schools, in daycares, and in trouble and double the tax base, while now having both parents working, exhausted. And distracted. Annnnd now we see how we arrived where we are currently. Sound about right? :-) I don't know, maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist.
Could be as simple as, its a divide and conquer topic, with and added population reduction. Of course, it would have implications in the breaking up of traditional familybstructure as well, which was the entire point of the "dead beat dad" Nazi child support enforcement push of the last 3 decades. To encourage women to breed, and let the state raise them and their kids. Much like the feminist movmebt was a govt. Backed operation, to get kids in schools, in daycares, and in trouble and double the tax base, while now having both parents working, exhausted. And distracted. Annnnd now we see how we arrived where we are currently. Sound about right? :-) I don't know, maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist.