Sunday, January 4, 2015

722 and April 15 | The Trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the Assassination of Abraham Linconln

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
  • Dzhokhar = 4+8+8+6+2+8+1+9 = 46
  • Tsarnaev = 2+1+1+9+5+1+5+4 = 28
  • Dzhokhar Tsarnaev = 74
  • Dzhokhar = 4+26+8+15+11+1+18 = 83
  • Tsarnaev = 20+19+1+18+14+1+5+22 = 100
Notice that he was born on July 22, 1993, and Abraham Lincoln was once assassinated on April 15, at 7:22 am.  Of course the Boston Marathon Bombing occurred on April 15, which Mr. Tsarnaev is accused of being responsible for, with his brother.

See how it all comes together truth seeker?

Please read the story about the upcoming trial courtesy of CNN.

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