Sunday, January 4, 2015

96 | Adam Vinatieri, A Real Manchurian Athlete

Did you see Adam Vinatieri knock down the 53-yard Field Goal like it was nothing today?  Did you know the name Vinatieri has a Gematria of 53?  On the season, he has missed one field goal and is thirty for thirty-one.  I don't think I've ever seen it done before, not like this.  And the man is 42-years old!, which he just turned on December 28.
  • Adam = 1+4+1+4 = 10
  • Vinatieri = 4+9+5+1+2+9+5+9+9 = 53
  • Adam Vinatieri = 63
    • (V Exception...+18) 63+18 = 81
  • Adam = 1+4+1+13 = 19
  • Vinatieri = 22+9+14+1+20+9+5+18+9 = 107
  • Adam Vinatieri = 126 (The sum of the Alphabet in Pythagorean Gematria)
Adam Vinatieri was born on a perfect day for a member of the NFL.
  • 12/28/1972 = 1+2+2+8+1+9+7+2 = 32
  • NFL = 14+6+12 = 32
  • 32 Teams in the NFL
  • America = 1+4+5+9+9+3+1 = 32
  • "America's Game"
  • 7/4/1776 = 7+4+1+7+7+6 = 32
  • U.K. = 21+11 = 32
Notice that Adam Vinatieri joined the NFL 19-years ago, in 1996, a very 'masonic' year, emphasis on 96.  He joined just in time to become the man to make the most memorable field goals in the history of the NFL for scripted resurgence of the Patriots in the wake of September 11, the 'era of the Patriot'.

Please also read my post from earlier today, about how the Super Bowl has ran through New England and the New York Giants in every season since 2006.


  1. Whats ur email?

    also u saw the hitting the kicker calls ? :((((((

  2. also i love all ur blog/Youtube videos manne you reach a little bit at times it seems but most of it is scary to me. and its good to reach cause it means ur exploring every option. Stay safe man what ur doing is dangerous but its whats right! amazing stuff

  3. Thanks friend, it is zachhubbard83


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