Tuesday, March 3, 2015

14 21 33 | Netanyahu Speaking in Congress Now (Live Blogging)

Today is March 3, 2015.  The Netanyahu speech to Congress just began.  Netanyahu says the speech is about the survival of his country, which Iran is threatening with their nuclear weapons program.  He is saying the Iranians are plotting to destroy the Jewish People...
  • 3/3/2015 = 3+3+2+0+1+5 = 14
  • 3/3/15 = 3+3+15 = 21
Oh wow, Netanyahu is now talking about Twitter Tweets threatening Israel and the future of Jews...

I wish someone would blow up Congress right now.

Oh shit, now he just said the '6-million dead Jews' lie from the Holocaust.

Oh god... now he is talking about the enemy being 'religious zealots'.

Now CNN is highlighting his words 'Grave Threat' with hyphens.
  • Grave = 7+9+1+4+5 = 26
  • Threat = 2+8+9+5+1+2 = 27
  • Grave Threat = 53
As Netanyahu speaks about stopping Iran's threat of world terror, the camera zooms in on 'Rand Paul'.
  • Rand = 9+1+5+4 = 19
  • Paul = 7+1+3+3 = 14
  • Rand Paul = 33
Netanyahu just declared Iran, America's greatest threat, now comparing Iran to ISIS.  One is an "Islamic State", the other is an "Islamic Empire" according to Netanyahu.  He says their existence will be the end of freedom in America and Israel.... this propaganda... it is sickening.

Netanyahu now says if the United States and Israel do not act, then Iran's path to "the bomb" is paved.

And now he is saying Iran is a state that sponsors terror... (Oh yea, what does Israel do?)

"A countdown to a nuclear nightmare" is how Netanyahu just phrased the threat of Iran.  He just also called it a "Farewell to arms control".

He says our children will not be safe if we do not take care of the problem.

Let us decode the headlines.
  • This = 2+8+9+1 = 20
  • Is = 9+1 = 10
  • A = 1
  • Bad = 2+1+4 = 7
  • Deal = 4+5+1+3 = 13
  • This Is a Bad Deal = 51
  • Conspiracy = 51


  1. He is just playing his role like the leader of Iran. Probably Jesuit or Swiss education like our top leaders and supreme court justices. Hell, even North Korea's leader spent seven years over in Switzerland getting his training. Freemasons, papal knighthoods, etc. just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Speaking of warm fuzzy feelings, check these guys out. Love that all seeing eye!

    1. Exactly Joe. When I found out lil kim jung un studied for several years in Europe and returned right before his dad lil kim jung ill supposedly died, I knew for sure N. Korea is just a Freemasonic DisneyWorld.

  2. And that Congregation has some serious 9/11/2001 ties...

  3. Bibi said Iran will very soon have nuclear ICBMs that can reach the USA. Since Bibi is so honest, it must be true. I am so full of fear now. Please, take my rights away and save me.


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