Thursday, March 5, 2015

42 74 | Delta Plane Slides of LaGuardia Runway

Delta's cute three part triangle tells you what they're really all about... three three sided figures...
  • Delta = 4+5+12+20+1 = 42
  • LaGuardia = 12+1+7+21+1+18+4+9+1 = 74
All numerology aside, it is possible this was a legit accident.

Strangely enough, someone posted on my written blog that 'Jesus represents 42' earlier this morning.  I had not heard that before.
  • Jesus = 74
  • Cross = 74
  • Jewish = 74
  • Messiah = 74
  • Pinnacle = 74
The first printed Bibles were '42-line Bibles'.


  1. As a resident of Brooklyn, New York, it appears that there could be more to this story.

    Today is a very curious date. March 5th is the 64th day of the year. You mentioned that Thelema sums to 64 in simple english gematria, so there could be a possible connection there.

    CNN reported that the Delta aircraft MD-88 skidded off runway 13. Thirteen could be significant.

    MD-88: 13+4+88 = 105
    Thirteen: 20+8+9+18+20+5+5+14 = 99 (Simple English)
    * 99 looks like 66 upside down

    Other words/phrases that have a gematria value of 105: Blood Moon, Internet, Ferguson, Suffering, Father Time (Saturn)

    The parents of Michael Brown were supposed to speak at precisely the same time the Laguardia accident occurred. CNN stopped broadcasting the press conference and immediately focused on the New York story. Also, I believe it is no coincidence that Ferguson sums to 105. If you look at the numbers then it all seems too perfect.

    It was also Delta Flight 1086. As you have previously stated, the words pyramid, triangle, and republic all sum to 86. I will admit that this is a stretch but who knows at this point, right?

    I also researched Delta's record on safety incidents via the Aviation Safety Network. I found some interesting numbers, but perhaps they would mean more if you took a look at them. I am still trying to work it all out. Thanks for the posts.

    1. looking at the footage of this event nothing adds up. where is all the snow that the plane would have shoveled while sliding? there should be a huge pile of snow on the right side of the plane near the nose. its not ice, watch the video of the passengers exiting. they are all making foot steps in the soft snow. to date i can find no ntsb report of the event.


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