Monday, August 17, 2015

33 79 88 137 | Good Samaritan, Lenny B. Robinson, Killed in Batmobile (Donald Trump Connections?)

So... yesterday Donald Trump was flying kids around in his helicopter, telling them 'I am Batman', then also yesterday, a man who plays Batman, and does charity for children, is killed.
  • Good = 7+6+6+4 = 23
  • Samaritan = 1+1+4+1+9+9+2+1+5 = 33/42
  • Good Samaritan = 56/65
  • Good = 7+15+15+4 = 41
  • Samaritan = 19+1+13+1+18+9+20+1+14 = 96
  • Good Samaritan = 137 (137 is the 33rd Prime)
The man's name, Lenny B. Robinson.
  • Lenny = 3+5+5+5+7 = 25
  • B. = 2
  • Robinson = 9+6+2+9+5+1+6+5 = 43/52
  • Lenny B. Robinson = 70/79
  • Lenny Robinson = 68/77 (Christ = 77, SEG)
The 'Batmobile' was destroyed in Maryland.
  • Batmobile = 2+1+2+4+6+2+9+3+5 = 34
  • Maryland = 4+1+9+7+3+1+5+4 = 34
There is also a connection between Bat Mobile and 'Lenny B. Robinson'.
  • Batmobile = 2+1+20+13+15+2+9+12+5 = 79 (Lenny B. Robinson)
There is also a connection between 'Trump' and 'Maryland'.
  • Trump = 20+18+21+13+16 = 88
  • Maryland = 13+1+18+25+12+1+14+4 = 88

1 comment:

  1. Batman '174' / 306 / 51 (15) sure has been in the news of late. I recently found a 174 connection to Pope John Paul I who was murdered on 9/28/1978. That date equals Elul 26, 5738 and is the 174th day on the Hebrew calendar. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were taken out on July 4, 1826 which is Sivan 29, 5586 and is the 88th day with 266 days left. Then 1826 days later Monroe was killed on July 4, 1831 which is Tamuz 23, 5591 and is the 112th day with 242 days left on the Hebrew calendar. Lincoln died April 15, 1865 = Nisan 19, 5625 (19th day with 335 remaining). Kennedy died November 22, 1963 = Kislev 6, 5724 (242nd day with 112 days remaining). Kislev is the 9th month.


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