Friday, August 7, 2015

33 | The July 26 Killing of "White Teen" Zachary Hammond at Hardees

Let us decode the outrage.

Outrage = 6+3+2+9+1+7+5 = 33

Unarmed = 3+5+1+9+4+5+4 = 31 (4)
Unarmed = 21+14+1+18+13+5+4 = 76 (13, 4)

Zachary Hammond, eh?
  • Zachary = 8+1+3+8+1+9+7 = 37
  • Hammond = 8+1+4+4+6+5+4 = 32
  • Zachary Hammond = 69
  • Zachary = 26+1+3+8+1+18+25 = 82
  • Hammond = 8+1+13+13+15+14+4 = 68
  • Zachary Hammond = 150
His date, Tori Morton.
  • Tori = 2+6+9+9 = 26
  • Morton = 4+6+9+2+6+5 = 32
  • Tori Morton = 58
  • Tori = 20+15+18+9 = 62
  • Morton = 13+15+18+20+15+14 = 95
  • Tori Morton = 157
Notice the name of the attorney, evoking the name 'Sandy Bland' with 'Eric Bland'.
  • Eric = 5+9+9+3 = 26
  • Bland = 2+3+1+5+4 = 15
  • Eric Bland = 41
  • Eric = 5+18+9+3+ 35
  • Bland = 2+12+1+14+4 = 33
  • Eric Bland = 68
Notice this shooting took place in South Carolina, at a Hardees fast food restaurant.
  • Hardees = 8+1+9+4+5+5+1 = 33
  • Hardees = 8+1+18+4+5+5+19 = 60
He was shot on Sunday, July 26, 2015, in the Hardees parking lot.
  • 7/26 = 7+26 = 33
  • 7/26 was Obama's 6th year, 6th month and sixth day in office
  • 7/26 is the day Bobbi Kristina Brown died
  • 7/26 was the 9th of Av Jewish Holly Day of Tragedy this year
And South Carolina, again.
  • South Carolina = 66 (Pythagorean)
  • South Carolina = 156 (Simple English Gematria)
Now get this, supposedly federal agents setup a drug bust for 10 grams of marijuana, which has market value of $100...  Since when are the feds busting $100 drug deals?  This stuff is comical.

I love how after the lawyer makes several points about race, then he says that the issue shouldn't be about race.  This is exactly how the mainstream morons talk, who are programmed by the television, and talk as nonsensically as the people shown on it.

Anyhow, they have not named the Police Officer responsible for the shooting, but they have named the spokesperson.
  • Seneca = 1+5+5+5+3+1 = 20/29
  • Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
  • Chief = 3+8+9+5+6 = 31
  • John = 1+6+8+5 = 20
  • Covington = 3+6+4+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 47
  • Seneca Police Chief John Covington = 151/160


  1. Why do they bother mentioning the 'ice cream cone'? Who cares? Or is the clue is in its gematria--

    Ice Cream Cone in Jewish Gematria Equals: 234
    Ice Cream Cone in English Gematria Equals: 564
    Ice Cream Cone in Simple Gematria Equals: 94

    1. i agree it seems way out of place. think about how something gets into a news article. First the police have to notice/remember it. The kid allegedly ran an officer down and the officer shot back, and they remember there was an ice cream cone? Then the police have decide that it is important and relevant to mention it to the media. And then the media has to decide that it is important and relevant to put in their story that will be read nationally. Everything goes in for a reason.

  2. The kids chin is huge! Also his hair line is majorly messed up. Kinda like different peoples photos pieced together.
    The age difference between the kid and his date, she is 23 and he is 19. 4 years between them, same as 'unarmed'

  3. 1. I'm pretty sure no cop would waste their time setting up drug stings with users, they only go after distributors
    2. Feds don't do 10 gram stings
    3. You just got busted with 10 grams of weed. No matter how illegal it is in your state, i am pretty sure you do not even consider running the officer down with your car

    Lots of red flags here...


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