Wednesday, August 12, 2015

44 | Jimmy Carter Cancer Announcement, 44-Years Since '71

At ninety, Jimmy Carter has cancer.  Jimmy Carter was the 39th President of the United States of America and the 76th Governor of Georgia, the 4th State.  He became Governor of Georgia in '71, 44-years ago.  Here is why that is so interesting.
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • Cancer = 3+1+14+3+5+18 = 44
  • Chemo = 3+8+5+13+15 = 44
  • Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44 (Pythagorean)
  • Jimmy carter diagnosed with Cancer 44-years after becoming household name (1971-2015)
They're saying the cancer is in four spots on his brain.
  • Brain = 2+18+1+9+14 = 44 (4 Spots)
  • Georgia = 7+5+6+9+7+9+1 = 44 (4th State)
There's one other interesting thing about '71', the year Carter became Governor of Georgia.

One last point, this announcement about 'Pancreatic' Cancer, which runs in his family, comes at the age of "90", which has something in common with 'Pancreatic'.


  1. So nothing to do with gematria but about your Iran hostage crisis video. Is it just me or 14:00 into the fake news, Peter dipshit is supposedly in Germany. He ends with looking to his left and he says "Frank." Looks like they were in the same studio. Not to mention 14:40 into it you have Carter sitting with the phone to his ear and right before he speaks you hear a guy say "action." Like it's a movie set. Wtf is real in this world?!?


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