Monday, August 17, 2015

61 89 156 | The Killer, the Witness and the Grandmother (Morgan Freeman Granddaughter Murder)

First, let us examine the name of the attacker and the witness.  First the attacker, Lamar Davenport.
  • Lamar = 3+1+4+1+9 = 18
  • Davenport = 4+1+4+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 43
  • Lamar Davenport = 61 (God = 61, Jewish Gematria)
  • Lamar = 12+1+13+1+18 = 45
  • Davenport = 4+1+22+5+14+16+15+18+20 = 115
  • Lamar Davenport = 170 (God = 17, Pythagorean, a zero at the end of a number in numerology adds a "Divine" trait)
The witness, George Hudacko.
  • George = 7+5+6+9+7+5 = 39
  • Hudacko = 8+3+4+1+3+2+6 = 27
  • George Hudacko = 66 (Thirty-Three = 2+8+9+9+2+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 66)
    • If you sum 1-11, it totals 66; NY is the 11th State
  • George = 7+5+15+18+7+5 = 57
  • Hudacko = 8+21+4+1+3+11+15 = 63
  • George Hudacko = 120
The building he saw the attack from, Washington Heights.
  • Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58
  • Heights = 8+5+9+7+8+2+1 = 40/49
  • Washington Heights = 89/107 (Religion = 89)
  • Kali was shown on Empire State Building, 8/9, August 9

Notice the address, 162nd St. is interesting.
And let us decode the name of her grandmother, Jeanette Adair Bradshaw.
  • Jeanette = 1+5+1+5+5+2+2+5 = 26
  • Adair = 1+4+1+9+9 = 24
  • Bradshaw = 2+9+1+4+1+8+1+5 = 31/40
  • Jeanette Bradshaw = 57/66
  • Jeanette Adair Bradshaw = 81/90 (Ninety = 5+9+5+5+2+7 = 33)
  • Jeanette = 10+5+1+14+5+20+20+5 = 80
  • Adair = 1+4+1+9+18 = 33
  • Bradshaw = 2+18+1+4+19+8+1+23 = 76
  • Jeanette Bradshaw = 156 (God = 156, English Gematria)
  • Jeanette Adair Bradshaw = 189
And last, notice that a 30-year old killed a 33-year old at 3 in the morning.  Jesus ministry began at 30, and ended at 33 with his life.

Along came a spider.

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