Thursday, August 6, 2015

84 | Pope Francis, 2008, Buenos Aires (Freemason Rituals) (Hidden Hand Masonic Pose)

The man above is Pope Francis, 2008, Buenos Aires.
Notice these familiar gentlemen below, a common pose, for Masonic Men.

Pope Francis is the first 'Jesuit' Pope, connected through the Masonic brotherhood.

12/17/1936 = 12+17+19+36 = 84


  1. Great find Zach!

    How Catholics can not see their religion was hijacked is beyond me.

    Bishop Williamson, a leader within the SSPX sect of the Catholic Church, was harshly ostracized and banned from participation in the church a few years back for mentioning three things:

    1) Freemasonry has taken over the Vatican.
    2) The HoIocaust was greatly exaggerated and is used for propaganda.
    3) 9/ll was an inside job.

    If a J e w says equal or much worse about Catholics, they get applause. So, who is truly sitting a top who? I think the photo Zach shared shows us the answer.

  2. Nice catch. Photographic evidence! He also looks like he is high.



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