Monday, October 26, 2015

33 44 59 82 113 | The Oklahoma State University Women's Basketball Team Cash of November 17, 2011

There is a connection to the boys teams crash of January 27, 2001 and the girls team crash of November 17, 2011, come nearly 10 years and 10 months apart.  Recall the '113' coding in the boys crash.

Well, it shows up in this one as well.

Kurt = 11+21+18+20 = 70
Budke = 2+21+4+11+5 = 43
Kurt Budke = 113

Here is the NY Times reporting.

Notice the name of the assistant coach as well.

Miranda = 4+9+9+1+5+4+1 = 33
Serna = 1+5+9+5+1 = 21/30
Miranda Serna = 54/63

Miranda = 13+9+18+1+14+4+1 = 60
Serna = 19+5+18+14+1 = 57
Miranda Serna = 117

The date of the wreck has a lot to do with killing.

11/17/2011 = 11+17+20+11 = 59 (Kill = 59)
11/17/2011 = 11+17+(2+0+1+1) = 32 (Kurt Budke = 32, Pythagorean)
11/17/2011 = 1+1+1+7+2+0+1+1 = 14 (Dead = 14; End = 14)
11/17/11 = 11+17+11 = 39

The number 44 was heavily coded into the boys crash of 10-years earlier.

In Pythagorean Gematria, the word 'kill' has a Gematria of 17 and this crash happened on the 17th day.

Kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17

November 17 also leaves 44-days left in the year.

Notice the Gematria of the crash site.  Keep in mind the pilot was '82' years old.

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